Silence Stream
Silence stream
Silence_stream is a file format that may be used anywhere that a file is expected. Silence_stream is implemented by mod_tone_stream.
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- 1 Silence stream
- 2 Usage
- 2.1 Examples
Duration is specified in milliseconds
- If the duration is -1, endless silence is generated.
- If the duration is > 0, duration ms of silence is generated.
Divisor is the divisor for the comfort noise generator.
- If the divisor is > 0, comfort noise is generated
- If the divisor is 0, complete silence is generated
Play 1000 ms of silence
<action application="playback" data="silence_stream://1000"/>
Play 2000 ms of comfort noise
<action application="playback" data="silence_stream://2000,1400"/>
Play endless comfort noise
<action application="playback" data="silence_stream://-1,1400"/>
Play endless silence
<action application="playback" data="silence_stream://-1"/>