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mod_dptools: Inline Dialplan


Allows you to specify a dialplan in code where you might normally specify an extension and dialplan.

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Basic syntax is a comma-separated list of 'app:arg' pairs:

'app1:arg1,app2:arg2,app3:arg3' inline

Single quotes generally are necessary except in the case of a single app:arg pair with no spaces, e.g.:

uuid_transfer <uuid> playback:/foo.wav inline

The inline dialplan is a handy tool that allows for flexible application development.

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A simple uuid transfer might look like this:

uuid_transfer 2bde6598-0f1a-48fe-80bc-a457a31b0055 'set:test=blah blah,playback:foo.wav' inline

Another application is to grabbed a parked channel and bridge to another channel:

uuid_transfer <parked_uuid> intercept:<other_uuid> inline


A simple originate where the B leg is specified inline:

originate sofia/gateway/my_gw/ 'set:myvar=myvalue,info:,playback:foo.wav' inline


A handy way to use PortAudio from the FreeSWITCH CLI is this:

originate {absolute_codec_string=XXXX}sofia/default/ bridge:portaudio/auto_answer inline

See also: Getting Fancy With PortAudio

Note the lack of a leading / in the bridge string above. If you tried to do bridge:/portaudio/auto_answer the bridge would fail with CHAN_NOT_IMPLEMENTED because FreeSWITCH™ assumes the string between the ':' and the first '/' to be the channel type, and so if you have a leading slash the channel type is an empty string.

SIP Profile

The dialplan parameter in the SIP profile can also be an inline dialplan. The standard entry is this:

<param name="dialplan" value="XML"/>

Customize it like this:

<param name="dialplan" value="inline:playback:woohoo.wav,hangup:BUHbye"/>

Note that you specify "inline:" at the beginning of the parameter and not at the end like you do when using the command line.

See Also