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Skypopen Directory


Skypopen Directory

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Please keep in mind that this script does not provide any authentication. If you intend on using it as a DISA route, you should probably add PIN protection to the script or dialplan.

Skypopen Directory configuration example

his example has two components:

  1. The XML dialplan
    Used to launch the directory, and dial out.
  2. The Perl script
    The actual directory 'meat'.

This script relies on your FreeSWITCH installation to have the following working modules:

  • mod_perl
  • mod_skypopen
  • mod_flite
  • mod_dialplan_xml

You may substitute mod_flite and mod_dialplan_xml and update your script where appropriate.


I have this in 'dialplan/local/skype.xml'

Dialplan Expand source

<extension name="skypeDir">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^1024$">
<action application="perl" data=""/>

<extension name="skypeDirDial">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^skypeDirDial$">
<action application="set" data="instant_ringback=true"/>
<action application="set" data="ringback=${us-ring}"/>
<action application="set" data="transfer_ringback=${us-ring}"/>
<action application="set" data="call_timeout=30"/>
<action application="set" data="hangup_after_bridge=true"/>
<action application="bridge" data="skypopen/skype1/${destuser}"/>

Perl Script

I place this in 'scripts/' Expand source

# - skype directory example
# by daniel o'neill (

my $api = new freeswitch::API;
my $e = new freeswitch::EventConsumer("custom", "skypopen::incoming_raw");
my $c = 0; # incremented, counter used to correlate skypopen API responses to their requests

my $timeoutcheck = 30000; # time to wait for the user to dial an extension, in milliseconds.

my $interface = 'skype1'; # the skype interface to dial-out on.
# you could also use 'ANY', or read this from $session->getVariable() and specify it in your dialplan.

my $dp_context = 'local'; # or, more commonly, 'default'
my $dp_extension = 'skypeDirDial'; # as located in the dialplan context
my $dp_format = 'XML'; # or perhaps 'YAML'

# TTS engine to use.
# You could also use Cepstral, for example
$session->set_tts_parms("flite", "slt"); # awb, kal, rms or slt
# $session->set_tts_parms("cepstral", "Amy");

freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", "Entering directory.\n" );


$friendList = getFriends( $e ); # this is actually pretty fast

# Gather our contacts
my $contacts;
my $d = 0; # 'online' or 'away' counter
foreach my $a(@{ $friendList }) {
$contacts->{$a}->{'username'} = $a;
$contacts->{$a}->{'status'} = getStatus( $e, $a ); # for less than 100, this is fairly quick also.
if( $contacts->{$a}->{'status'} eq 'ONLINE'
|| $contacts->{$a}->{'status'} eq 'AWAY' ) {
$contacts->{$a}->{'available'} = 1;

# if < 10 contacts online, user may dial 1 through 9
my $len = 1;
if( $d > 999 ) {
# if > 999 and < 10000 contacts online, user may dial 0001 through 9999
$len = 4;
} elsif( $d > 99 ) {
# if > 99 and < 1000 contacts online, user may dial 001 through 999
$len = 3;
} elsif( $d > 9 ) {
# if > 9 and < 100 contacts online, user may dial 01 through 99
$len = 2;

# sort alphabetically by username
my @ckeys = sort { $a->{'username'} cmp $b->{'username'} } keys( %{$contacts} );
$d = 1; # entries begin at extension 1

# we'll speak this string later on. if you want to say something before rambling off the directory, enter it here.
my $final = 'Skype directory. ';

# compile our spoken directory
foreach my $ukey( @ckeys ) {
$a = $contacts->{$ukey};
if( $a->{'available'} == 1 ) {
my $user = $a->{'username'};
my $num = sprintf('%0'.$len.'d', $d); # pad extension with zeros (eg, 001) so all extensions are the same length
$d = 1 + $d; # increment our extension
$n = $num;
$n =~ s/(\d)/\1,/gs; # makes 'three one one' instead of 'three hundred and eleven'
$final .= "For $user, dial $n. "; # this will be spoken
$contacts->{$ukey}->{'number'} = $num; # assign the extension

if( length($final) == 0 ) {
$session->speak("No skype contacts are online. Please try later.");
return bail();
} else {
# if you seriously have 9999 contacts, you may have to wait a while for your name to come up.

# this method is simpler than a non-blocking solution, but requires the user to sit through each name before allowing them to dial their extension.
my $sel = $session->getDigits( $len, "#", $timeoutcheck );
if( $sel && length("$sel") != 0 ) {
my $user = getUser( $contacts, $sel );
if( $user == -1 ) { return bail(); }

# to see how this works, refer to the XML dialplan accompanying this script
$session->setVariable( "destuser", $user );
$session->transfer( $dp_extension, $dp_format, $dp_context );
} else {
$session->speak("Sorry, I didn't get a selection. Goodbye.");
return bail();

sub getUser {
my $users = shift;
my $dtmfid = shift;
foreach my $k( %{ $users } ) {
if( $k->{'number'} eq $dtmfid ) {
return $k->{'username'};
return -1;

sub bail {
return 1;

sub getStatus {
my $e = shift;
my $u = shift;

if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }
$api->executeString( "skypopen $interface #$c GET USER $u ONLINESTATUS" );
if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }

$ce = $e->pop(1);
if( !$ce ) { return bail(); }

my $body = $ce->getBody();
my $status = 'unknown';
if( $body =~ m/^#$c USER $u ONLINESTATUS (.*)$/ ) {
$status = $1;
} else {
freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: $body\n" );


return $status;

sub getFriends {
my $e = shift;

if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }
$api->executeString( "skypopen $interface #$c SEARCH FRIENDS" );
if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }

$ce = $e->pop(1);
if( !$ce ) { return bail(); }

my $body = $ce->getBody();

my @friends;
if( $body =~ m/^#$c USERS (.*)$/ ) {
@friends = split(/, /, $1);
} else {
freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: $body\n" );


return \@friends;

return 1;

Once this is done, simply dial extension 1024 (unless you changed it) to be routed to the directory, and follow the voice prompts.

Bonus: python version

For fun, here's a Python version: Expand source

import os
import re
from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter
from freeswitch import *

requestCount = 1 # incremented, counter used to correlate skypopen API responses to their requests
interface = 'skype1'

def handler(session, args):
consoleLog( 'info', "Entering directory.\n" )

timeoutcheck = 30000 # time to wait for the user to dial an extension, in milliseconds.
dp_context = 'local' # or, more commonly, 'default'
dp_extension = 'skypeDirDial' # as located in the dialplan context
dp_format = 'XML' # or perhaps 'YAML'

eCon = EventConsumer('custom', 'skypopen::incoming_raw')

session.set_tts_parms("flite", "slt") # awb, kal, rms or slt


friendList = getFriends( eCon, session, {} )

d = 0 # 'online' or 'away' counter

contacts = {}
for a in friendList:
contacts[a] = {}
contacts[a]['username'] = a
contacts = getStatus( eCon, session, a, contacts )
if ( contacts[a]['status'] == 'ONLINE' ) or ( contacts[a]['status'] == 'AWAY' ):
contacts[a]['available'] = 1
d = d + 1
contacts[a]['available'] = 0

# if < 10 contacts online, user may dial 1 through 9
len = 1;
if( d > 999 ):
# if > 999 and < 10000 contacts online, user may dial 0001 through 9999
len = 4
elif( d > 99 ):
# if > 99 and < 1000 contacts online, user may dial 001 through 999
len = 3
elif( d > 9 ):
# if > 9 and < 100 contacts online, user may dial 01 through 99
len = 2

final = ''
d = 1 # entries begin at extension 1

# This doesn't work, and I don't know Python, but the idea here is to sort the entries alphabetically.
# # sort alphabetically by username
# ckeys = sorted( contacts.iteritems(), key=itemgetter('username') )
# # compile our spoken directory
# for k in ckeys:
# a = contacts[k]

for username in contacts.keys():
if( contacts[username]['available'] == 1 ):
num = "%d" % d
num = num.zfill(len) # pad extension with zeros (eg, 001) so all extensions are the same length
d = 1 + d # increment our extension
n = num
rx = re.compile(r'(\d)')
n = rx.sub( r'\1 ', num ) # say "three one three" instead of "three hundred and thirteen"
final += "For %s, dial %s. " % (username, n) # this will be spoken
contacts[username]['number'] = num # assign the extension
contacts[username]['number'] = ''

if( final == '' ):
session.speak("No skype contacts are online. Please try later.")
return bail(session)
# if you seriously have 9999 contacts, you may have to wait a while for your name to come up.
session.speak( 'Skype directory.  %s' % (final) )

# this method is simpler than a non-blocking solution,
# but requires the user to sit through each name before
# allowing them to dial their extension.
sel = session.getDigits( len, "#", timeoutcheck )
if( sel and sel != '' ):
user = getUser( contacts, sel )
if( user == -1 ):
return bail(session)

# to see how this works, refer to the XML dialplan accompanying this script
session.setVariable( "destuser", user )
session.transfer( dp_extension, dp_format, dp_context )
session.speak("Sorry, I didn't get a selection. Goodbye.")
return bail(session)

def getUser(users, dtmfid):
for k in users.keys():
if( users[k]['number'] == dtmfid ):
return users[k]['username']
return -1

def bail(session):
return 1

def getStatus(eCon, session, user, userstatus):
global requestCount
global interface

userstatus[user]['status'] = 'pending'

if not ( session.ready() ):
return bail(session)
API().executeString( "skypopen %s #%d GET USER %s ONLINESTATUS" % (interface, requestCount, user) )
if not ( session.ready() ):
return bail(session)

ce = eCon.pop(1)
if not ( ce ):
return bail(session)

body = ce.getBody()

rx = re.compile( r"^#(\d+) USER (.*?) ONLINESTATUS (.*)$" )
m = rx.match(body)
if (m):
userstatus[ ]['status'] =
consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: %s\n" % (body) )

requestCount = 1 + requestCount

return userstatus

def getFriends(eCon, session, friends):
global requestCount
global interface

if not ( session.ready() ):
return bail(session)
API().executeString( "skypopen %s #%d SEARCH FRIENDS" % (interface, requestCount) )
if not ( session.ready() ):
return bail(session)

ce = eCon.pop(1)
if not ( ce ):
return bail(session)

body = ce.getBody()

rx = re.compile( "^#(\d+) USERS (.*)$" )
m = rx.match(body)

friends = []
if (m):
friends = re.split(', ',
consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: %s\n" % (body) )

requestCount = 1 + requestCount

return friends - skype directory example

by daniel o'neill (

my $api = new freeswitch::API; my $e = new freeswitch::EventConsumer("custom", "skypopen::incoming_raw"); my $c = 0; # incremented, counter used to correlate skypopen API responses to their requests

my $timeoutcheck = 30000; # time to wait for the user to dial an extension, in milliseconds.

my $interface = 'skype1'; # the skype interface to dial-out on.

                      # you could also use 'ANY', or read this from $session->getVariable() and specify it in your dialplan.

my $dp_context = 'local'; # or, more commonly, 'default' my $dp_extension = 'skypeDirDial'; # as located in the dialplan context my $dp_format = 'XML'; # or perhaps 'YAML'

TTS engine to use.

You could also use Cepstral, for example

$session->set_tts_parms("flite", "slt"); # awb, kal, rms or slt

$session->set_tts_parms("cepstral", "Amy");

freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", "Entering directory.\n" );


$friendList = getFriends( $e ); # this is actually pretty fast

Gather our contacts

my $contacts;
my $d = 0; # 'online' or 'away' counter foreach my $a(@{ $friendList }) {
$contacts->{$a}->{'username'} = $a; $contacts->{$a}->{'status'} = getStatus( $e, $a ); # for less than 100, this is fairly quick also. if( $contacts->{$a}->{'status'} eq 'ONLINE'
|| $contacts->{$a}->{'status'} eq 'AWAY' ) {
$contacts->{$a}->{'available'} = 1;

if < 10 contacts online, user may dial 1 through 9

my $len = 1;
if( $d > 999 ) {

    # if > 999 and &lt; 10000 contacts online, user may dial 0001 through 9999
$len = 4;

} elsif( $d > 99 ) {

    # if > 99 and &lt; 1000 contacts online, user may dial 001 through 999    
$len = 3;

} elsif( $d > 9 ) {

    # if > 9 and &lt; 100 contacts online, user may dial 01 through 99        
$len = 2;


sort alphabetically by username

my @ckeys = sort { $a->{'username'} cmp $b->{'username'} } keys( %{$contacts} ); $d = 1; # entries begin at extension 1

we'll speak this string later on. if you want to say something before rambling off the directory, enter it here.

my $final = 'Skype directory. ';

compile our spoken directory

foreach my $ukey( @ckeys ) {
$a = $contacts->{$ukey}; if( $a->{'available'} == 1 ) { my $user = $a->{'username'}; my $num = sprintf('%0'.$len.'d', $d); # pad extension with zeros (eg, 001) so all extensions are the same length $d = 1 + $d; # increment our extension
$n = $num;
$n =~ s/(\d)/\1,/gs; # makes 'three one one' instead of 'three hundred and eleven'
$final .= "For $user, dial $n. "; # this will be spoken
$contacts->{$ukey}->{'number'} = $num; # assign the extension

if( length($final) == 0 ) { $session->speak("No skype contacts are online. Please try later."); return bail();
} else {

    # if you seriously have 9999 contacts, you may have to wait a while for your name to come up.

# this method is simpler than a non-blocking solution, but requires the user to sit through each name before allowing them to dial their extension.
my $sel = $session->getDigits( $len, "#", $timeoutcheck );
if( $sel && length("$sel") != 0 ) {
my $user = getUser( $contacts, $sel );
if( $user == -1 ) { return bail(); }

# to see how this works, refer to the XML dialplan accompanying this script
$session->setVariable( "destuser", $user );
$session->transfer( $dp_extension, $dp_format, $dp_context );
} else {
$session->speak("Sorry, I didn't get a selection. Goodbye.");
return bail();


sub getUser { my $users = shift; my $dtmfid = shift; foreach my $k( %{ $users } ) { if( $k->{'number'} eq $dtmfid ) { return $k->{'username'}; }
return -1;

sub bail { $session->hangup(); return 1; }

sub getStatus { my $e = shift; my $u = shift;

    if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }
$api->executeString( "skypopen $interface #$c GET USER $u ONLINESTATUS" );
if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }

$ce = $e->pop(1);
if( !$ce ) { return bail(); }

my $body = $ce->getBody();
my $status = 'unknown';
if( $body =~ m/^#$c USER $u ONLINESTATUS (.*)$/ ) {
$status = $1;
} else {
freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: $body\n" );


return $status;


sub getFriends { my $e = shift;

    if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }
$api->executeString( "skypopen $interface #$c SEARCH FRIENDS" );
if( !$session->ready() ) { return bail(); }

$ce = $e->pop(1);
if( !$ce ) { return bail(); }

my $body = $ce->getBody();

my @friends;
if( $body =~ m/^#$c USERS (.*)$/ ) {
@friends = split(/, /, $1);
} else {
freeswitch::consoleLog( "info", " Unexpected response: $body\n" );


return \@friends;


return 1;