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Table of Contents (click to expand)

0. About

This module allows you to log call detail records (CDRs) to a text file using text generation templates. These templates along with the default configuration are stored in the file <conf_dir>/autoload_configs/cdr_csv.conf.xml.

Which template is used for the default is defined by the line below (which uses "example" in the default installation).

<param name="default-template" value="example"/>

Further down in the cdr_csv.conf.xml file, the "example" template is defined within the <templates>, </templates> opening and closing tags. Therefore to change what is being logged you may edit the example template or create a new template and update the default-template param to that template name.

1. Default configuration


<configuration name="cdr_csv.conf" description="CDR CSV Format">
<!-- 'cdr-csv' will always be appended to log-base -->
<!--<param name="log-base" value="/var/log"/>-->
<param name="default-template" value="example"/>
<!-- This is like the info app but after the call is hung up -->
<!--<param name="debug" value="true"/>-->
<param name="rotate-on-hup" value="true"/>
<!-- may be a b or ab -->
<param name="legs" value="a"/>
<template name="sql">INSERT INTO cdr VALUES ("${caller_id_name}","${caller_id_number}","${destination_number}","${context}","${start_stamp}","${answer_stamp}","${end_stamp}","${duration}","${billsec}","${hangup_cause}","${uuid}","${bleg_uuid}", "${accountcode}");</template>
<template name="example">"${caller_id_name}","${caller_id_number}","${destination_number}","${context}","${start_stamp}","${answer_stamp}","${end_stamp}","${duration}","${billsec}","${hangup_cause}","${uuid}","${bleg_uuid}","${accountcode}","${read_codec}","${write_codec}"</template>
<template name="snom">"${caller_id_name}","${caller_id_number}","${destination_number}","${context}","${start_stamp}","${answer_stamp}","${end_stamp}","${duration}","${billsec}","${hangup_cause}","${uuid}","${bleg_uuid}", "${accountcode}","${read_codec}","${write_codec}","${sip_user_agent}","${call_clientcode}","${sip_rtp_rxstat}","${sip_rtp_txstat}","${sofia_record_file}"</template>
<template name="linksys">"${caller_id_name}","${caller_id_number}","${destination_number}","${context}","${start_stamp}","${answer_stamp}","${end_stamp}","${duration}","${billsec}","${hangup_cause}","${uuid}","${bleg_uuid}","${accountcode}","${read_codec}","${write_codec}","${sip_user_agent}","${sip_p_rtp_stat}"</template>
<template name="asterisk">"${accountcode}","${caller_id_number}","${destination_number}","${context}","${caller_id}","${channel_name}","${bridge_channel}","${last_app}","${last_arg}","${start_stamp}","${answer_stamp}","${end_stamp}","${duration}","${billsec}","${hangup_cause}","${amaflags}","${uuid}","${userfield}"</template>

Useful things to know:

  • You can change the legs value a for a-leg, b for b-leg and ab for both legs.
  • The template can be changed to include useful information such as ${remote_media_ip} and ${network_addr}
  • The template can be changed to include any custom variables you have set in the dialplan of the corresponding leg, with something like {customer_name=whitehouse}sofia/gateway/foo/$1. Then ${customer_name} can be used in the CDR template.
  • If you log CDR for only one leg and you would like to include some data of the other leg, then u need to prefix aleg_ or bleg_ before the variable in the template
  • If you log b-leg then variables can be used directly for that leg such as ${caller_id_name} and the a-leg variables need to be prefixed with aleg_ and bleg_ if you log a-leg calls

2. API commands

To rotate CDRs without HUPing (i.e., shutting down) the entire FreeSWITCH instance (if rotate-on-hup is set, that is, see below).

In fs_cli

cdr_csv rotate

Or, from the system terminal:

On the system terminal

fs_cli -x 'cdr_csv rotate'

2. XML

2.1 Settings (<settings>)

The following parameters (self-closing <param> tags in <settings>) can be set under the <settings> tag in your <conf_dir>/autoload_configs/cdr_csv.conf.xml file.

<param name="PARAM-NAME-HERE" value="VALUE"/>
<!-- PARAM-NAME-HERE = debug, default-template, legs, etc. -->

<!-- param 2 -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- param N -->


When set to true, this prints out all channel data in your log when creating a new CDR record is generated.

  • Possible values: true, false
  • Default value: false


The name of a template as defined in the <templates> section of your <conf_dir>/autoload_configs/cdr_csv.conf.xml.

  • Default value: default


Choose whether the module will save CDRs for the a or b leg, or both of them.

  • Possible values: a, b, ab
  • Default value: a


The directory where the CSV files will be written to.

  • Default value: <root-of-your-freeswitch-installation>/log/cdr-csv (or /var/log/freeswitch/)
  • The value can be overridden by cdr_csv_base channel variable.


When enabled, all CDRs will be written to a single file instead of to multiple files split up per accountcode.

  • Possible values: true, false
  • Default value: false


When enabled, after sending a HUP signal to FreeSWITCH (i.e., when the FreeSWITCH server is stopped), the logfile will be rotated to a format like this:


  • Possible values: true, false
  • Default value: TODO What is the default?

3. FreeSWITCH variables in a template (<template>)

FreeSWITCH variables are given in the form ${varname}. For an overview of variables, check Channel Variables. You can specify any channel variable.

API calls can also be specified in variables, such as:

<template name="custom_timestamp">"${expr(${end_epoch}-${my_timestamp})}"</template>

For example, the first line below shows the definition of the default example template, and the second one is the output after a successful call:

<template name="example">
"${context}", "${start_stamp}", "${answer_stamp}",
"${end_stamp}", "${duration}", "${billsec}",
"${hangup_cause}", "${uuid}", "${bleg_uuid}",
"${accountcode}", "${read_codec}", "${write_codec}"

"+19168897510", "+19168897510", "+19167324000",
"default", "2020-10-12 16:52:37", "2020-10-12 16:52:37",
"2020-10-12 16:52:42", "5", "5",
"NORMAL_CLEARING", "5f26b500-d6b1-4c8a-b3ed-cfbea629f011", "",
"", "PCMU", "PCMU"

3.1 Some notable FreeSWITCH variables

Read about Variables, and see the full list in Channel Variables.


An arbitrary value given at whim. Useful for billing and segregating calls by account. This is the accountcode of the aleg.

If the value of the accountcode variable matches the name of a template then that template will be used. This is valuable for having a specific template be used on a per-call basis.


Automatic Message Accounting, an archaic system that "flags" CDR for post-processing. Commonly used flags are billing, default, documentation, omit.


UNIX epoch value when the call was answered, eg. 1294060468 for Mon, 03 Jan 2011 13:14:28 GMT.


Timestamp when the call was answered (eg, SIP 200 OK is received), in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss), in the local timezone (not UTC). If the call is not answered, this will be an empty string.


The answered or billing span of the calls in seconds, i.e. "end_stamp - answer_stamp". Should only be > 0 in calls where HANGUP_CAUSE == NORMAL_CLEARING (16).


The UUID of the bleg, i.e. the called party or terminating end.


The accountcode of the bleg_uuid in the call.


The channel name of the bleg that the aleg was bridged to. e.g. sofia/out/+919814440333@


This is the channel_name of the A-leg originating end. In this case its sofia/in/2185738219@


The context where the call first entered the dialplan, in this case default.


This is the number (rather, extension) specified by the A-leg. The dialplan can perform any mutation on this number before its actually dialed out (in the case above a + is added).


The entire duration of the call, end to end in seconds, i.e. "start_stamp - end_stamp". Duration should always be >= billsec.


UNIX epoch value when the call ended, eg. 1294060468 for Mon, 03 Jan 2011 13:14:28 GMT.


Timestamp when the call was hung up, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss), in the local timezone (not UTC).


See Hangup Causes


The last application run by the call; for example, bridge .


The arguments passed to the last_app, i.e. sofia/out/+919814440203@


See How does FreeSWITCH CDR determine which gateway was used in failover?


UNIX epoch value when the call was started, eg. 1294060468 for Mon, 03 Jan 2011 13:14:28 GMT.


Timestamp when the call was started, in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss), in the local timezone (not UTC).


A field to set your own custom values. For example:

<action application="set" data="userfield=${network_addr}"/>


A unique identifier for the call. A UUID is a block of 16 bytes ref. This is the UUID of the aleg of the call, i.e. the calling party or origination end. According to ref UUIDs are formatted as: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF

4. Generating SQL from template

Some strings may contain characters that need escaping to generate a valid SQL statement. These include characters such as ', " and many non-printable characters. The API call sql_escape can be used to escape these variables to generate valid SQL.

For example:

<template name="sql">INSERT INTO cdr (caller_id, ...) VALUES ('${sql_escape(${caller_id_name})}', ...);</template>

5. Examples

5.1 SQL Script to create MySQL CDR table for default "example" CDRs

To confirm that the mod_cdr_csv is set for the "sql" template, check the file <conf_dir>/autoload_configs/cdr_csv.conf.xml.

The default is the example template. If that is indeed the case, the script below is just what you will need to create a the cdr table.

MySQL schema

caller_id_name varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
caller_id_number varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
destination_number varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,
context varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,
start_stamp datetime DEFAULT NULL,
answer_stamp datetime DEFAULT NULL,
end_stamp datetime DEFAULT NULL,
duration int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
billsec int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
hangup_cause varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL,
uuid varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
bleg_uuid varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,
accountcode varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
domain_name varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL

For PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL schema

caller_id_name character varying(30),
caller_id_number character varying(30),
destination_number character varying(30),
context character varying(20),
start_stamp timestamp without time zone,
answer_stamp timestamp without time zone,
end_stamp timestamp without time zone,
duration integer,
billsec integer,
hangup_cause character varying(50),
uuid uuid,
bleg_uuid uuid,
accountcode character varying(10),
read_codec character varying(20),
write_codec character varying(20)

5.2 Perl Script for CDR into MySQL

TODO Someone with a little knowledge of Perl could probably fix up all the system() and other hacks and lack of error checking...

Ensure the following line is uncommented in cdr_csv.conf.xml

<param name="rotate-on-hup" value="true"/>

What this does is to allow the Master.csv and other CDR files to be rotated via the same method as used by the mod_logfile method. The script below uses one of these methods to rotate the log file and load the file into a database. (The naming format for the rotated files is from e.g. Master.csv to Master.csv.yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss)

Create the script using the code below, and run through cron every minute if you like.

Example Perl script

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Convergence FreeSWITCH(tm) Tools Version 7.0
# (c) MMII Convergence. All rights reserved.
# <>

# This program is free software, distributed under the terms of
# the GNU General Public License.

use strict;
use DBI();
use File::Copy;

# this command sends -SIGHUP to fs, she creates new cdr.csv files, so we can load the old ones up
my @cc = ("killall", "-HUP", "freeswitch");
system(@cc) == 0 or die "$0: system @cc failed: $?";

my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=freeswitch;host=localhost","fsdbuser","fsdbpass") or die "$0: Couldn't connect to database: " . DBI->errstr;

# this is the standard location of the cdr-csv
my @LS = `ls -1t /usr/local/freeswitch/log/cdr-csv/Master.csv.*`;
foreach my $line (@LS) {
my $ul = $dbh->prepare($stm) or die "$0: Couldn't prepare statement $stm: " . $dbh->errstr;;
system("cat $line >> /usr/local/freeswitch/log/cdr-csv/FULL_Master.csv"); # we do this to maintain a single FULL file if needed
unlink $line;

# one silly thing is that each accountcode has its own cdr.csv as well, either handle those here, by loading them into their own tables, or rm them
my @BS = ("xtec","megaphone","mafcom","xeivacom");
foreach my $code (@BS) {
@LS = `ls -1t /usr/local/freeswitch/log/cdr-csv/$code.csv.*`;
foreach my $line (@LS) {
#unlink($line); #to delete
move($line, "/usr/local/freeswitch/log/cdr-csv/trash/$code/"); # or move into a separate dir for later procession
exit 0;


/usr/local/freeswitch/conf/autoload_configs/cdr_csv.conf.xmlWhen I had modifed this config file, the only way to reload this file,just "reload mod_cdr_csv", what reload the mod_cdr_csv module, can work well. Has other command can reload the cdr_csv.conf.xml ?Thanks Posted by livem at Feb 24, 2017 04:22