mod_lcr parse scripts
Below is example of how to parse HTML pages of rate lists for mod_lcr usage.
Click here to expand Table of Contents
- 1 1. is called by cron on a daily basis, which is the action script that holds all the perl scripts together
- 2 2. Broadvoice example ( (both pennytel and voipian rely on broadvoice.rates.csv as they don't have any dialplans in their rate table, only names)
- 3 3. Pennytel example (
- 4 4. Voipian example (
- 5 5. Parsing the XDR rates from TSV file (
- 6 6. Convert the csv files into SQL for import into the DB (
- 7
1. is called by cron on a daily basis, which is the action script that holds all the perl scripts together
- cron entry
45 01 * * * freeswitch ( cd /opt/freeswitch/scripts/lcr && ./ )
50 01 * * * freeswitch (cat /tmp/data.sql | /usr/bin/sqlite3 /opt/freeswitch/conf/databases/fslcr.db)
pushd /opt/freeswitch/scripts/lcr
# retrieve the HTML pages from the 3 providers
wget -O voipian.rates.html
wget -O pennytel.rates.html
wget -O broadvoice.rates.html
# convert the html into text so we can parse it more easily
html2text -width 200 -nobs -ascii voipian.rates.html > voipian.rates.txt
html2text -width 200 -nobs -ascii pennytel.rates.html > pennytel.rates.txt
html2text -width 200 -nobs -ascii broadvoice.rates.html > broadvoice.rates.txt
#XDR rates for currency conversion to USD
wget -Orates.html --no-cache --save-cookies=cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies "'EUR','JPY','GBP','USD','ARS','AUD','ATS','BHD','BEF','VEF','BWP','BRL','BND','CAD','CLP','CNY','COP','CYP','CZK','DKK','DEM','FIM','FRF','GRD','HUF','ISK','INR','IDR','IRR','IEP','ILS','ITL','KZT','KRW','KWD','LYD','LUF','MYR','MTL','MUR','MXN','NPR','NLG','NZD','NOK','PKR','PLN','PTE','QAR','OMR','RUB','SAR','SGD','SKK','SIT','ZAR','ESP','LKR','SEK','CHF','THB','TTD','AED','VEB'&EX=SDRC&P=Last30Days&CF=UnCompressed&CUF=Period&DS=Ascending&DT=Blank"
# pull the TSV version of the rates
wget -Orates.tsv --no-cache --load-cookies=cookies.txt --keep-session-cookies ""
# parse the rates now so we have the latest XDR tables
./ rates.tsv > rates.txt
# parse broadvoice first so we have the dialplan with country name -> dialplan
./ broadvoice.rates.txt > broadvoice.rates.csv
./ voipian.rates.txt > voipian.rates.csv
./ pennytel.rates.txt > pennytel.rates.csv
# finally convert the resultant CSV files into SQL scripts for mod_lcr
./ > /tmp/data.sql
2. Broadvoice example ( (both pennytel and voipian rely on broadvoice.rates.csv as they don't have any dialplans in their rate table, only names)
# parse the following:
# ________________________________________________________________________________________
#| | | |BYOD |Unlimited|Unlimited|Unlimited|Unlimited|Unlimited|
#|Country |Prefix|Number |Lite |In-State |World |World |Small |USA |
#|Afghanistan - | |70#, 75#, | | | | | | |
#|Mobile |93 |77#, 78#, |0.40 |0.40 |0.40 |0.40 |0.40 |0.40 |
#|Albania - |355 |67#, 68#, |0.46 |0.46 |0.46 |0.46 |0.46 |0.46 |
@header = null;
open (FILE, $ARGV[0]);
my @values;
my $incountry=-1;
my $country;
my $prefix;
my $dialplan;
my $rate;
my %hashdetails;
while (<FILE>) {
$rateline = $_;
if ($rateline=~m/\|Country/ && !$foundcountry)
$foundcountry = true;
if (!$foundcountry)
# first find country
if ($rateline=~m/___/)
if ($incountry >= 0)
@templine = split(/\|/,$rateline);
foreach $l (0 .. $#templine)
$box =~ s/_/ /g;
$box =~ s/^\s+//;
$box =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($l == 1)
$country .= $box;
elsif ($l == 2)
$prefix .= $box;
elsif ($l == 3)
$box =~ s/\,/ /g;
$dialplan .= $box;
elsif ($l == 7)
$rate .= $box;
if ($incountry==0)
@dialplansplit = split(/\s+/,$dialplan);
foreach $dialplanitem (@dialplansplit)
$dialplanitem =~ s/#//g;
print "$country,$prefix$dialplanitem,$rate\n";
$country = "";
$prefix = "";
$dialplan = "";
$rate = "";
close (FILE);
3. Pennytel example (
# parse the following:
# Afghanistan 0.30931
#Afghanistan Mobile 0.30931
#Albania 0.10517
#Albania Mobile 0.28097
#Algeria 0.0993
#Algeria Mobile 0.17767
#American Samoa 0.11729
#American Samoa Mobile 0.11729
#Andorra 0.04221
#Andorra Mobile 0.31075
#Angola 0.16113
open (FILE, "broadvoice.rates.csv");
my @broadvoice = <FILE>;
close FILE;
# pennytel is in AUD, so convert to USD
open (FILE, "rates.txt");
while (<FILE>)
if (m/^AUD ([\d\.]+)/)
} elsif (m/^USD ([\d\.]+)/)
close FILE;
#print "AUD $audrate USD $usdrate\n";
$tousd = $audrate / $usdrate;
#print "AUD -> USD $tousd\n";
%freelocations = ( "Australia" => 0.0, "United Kingdom" => 0.0, "United States" => 0.0, "United States - Mobile" => 0.0, "Canada" => 0.0, "Canada - Mobile" => 0.0, "China" => 0.0, "China - Mobile" => 0.0, "Singapore" => 0.0, "Singapore - Mobile" => 0.0 );
@header = null;
open (FILE, $ARGV[0]);
my @values;
while (<FILE>) {
$rateline = $_;
if ($rateline =~ m/([^\d]+)([\d]+\.[\d]+)/)
$country = $1;
$rate = $2;
# convert to USD
$rate = $rate * $tousd;
$country =~ s/_/ /g;
$country =~ s/^\s+//;
$country =~ s/\s+$//;
# fix Mobile to be - Mobile
$country =~ s/Mobile/- Mobile/;
# change rate to 0 for @freelocations
if (exists($freelocations{$country}))
$rate = $freelocations{$country};
@matchcountries = grep(/$country/,@broadvoice);
foreach $countrymatch (@matchcountries)
if ($country =~ m/Mobile/ || $countrymatch =~ m/Mobile/)
if ($country =~ m/Mobile/ && $countrymatch =~ m/Mobile/)
# match only with Mobiles
@linesplit = split(/\,/,$countrymatch);
$prefixlist = $linesplit[1];
@prefixsplit = split(/\s+/,$prefixlist);
foreach $prefix (@prefixsplit)
print "$country,$prefix,$rate\n";
} else {
# match only with non Mobiles
@linesplit = split(/\,/,$countrymatch);
$prefixlist = $linesplit[1];
@prefixsplit = split(/\s+/,$prefixlist);
foreach $prefix (@prefixsplit)
print "$country,$prefix,$rate\n";
close (FILE);
4. Voipian example (
# parse the following:
#Afghanistan (landline) 0.170 0.202
#Afghanistan (mobile) 0.180 0.214
#Albania (landline) 0.034 0.040
#Albania (mobile) 0.130 0.155
#Algeria (landline) 0.040 0.048
#Algeria (mobile) 0.090 0.107
#Andorra (landline) 1 Cent/Call*
#Andorra (mobile) 0.100 0.119
#Angola (landline) 0.090 0.107
#Angola (mobile) 0.130 0.155
#Anguilla (landline) 0.080 0.095
#United_Kingdom_(landline) 1 Cent/Call*
#United_Kingdom_(mobile) 0.068 0.081
#United_States 1 Cent/Call*
#Uruguay_(landline) 0.048 0.057
#Uruguay_(mobile) 0.136 0.162
@header = null;
open (FILE, "broadvoice.rates.csv");
my @broadvoice = <FILE>;
close FILE;
# voipian is in EUR, so convert to USD
open (FILE, "rates.txt");
while (<FILE>)
if (m/^EUR ([\d\.]+)/)
} elsif (m/^USD ([\d\.]+)/)
close FILE;
#print "EUR $eurrate USD $usdrate\n";
$tousd = $eurrate / $usdrate;
#print "EUR -> USD $tousd\n";
open (FILE, $ARGV[0]);
my @values;
while (<FILE>) {
$rateline = $_;
if ($rateline =~ m/([\w\_\s\(\)]*)\s+(?:([\d\.\s]+)|1 Cent)/)
$country = $1;
$rate = $2;
$country =~ m/([\w\_]+)_?(.*)/;
$country = $1;
$type = $2;
$type =~ s/[\(\)]//g;
$type = ucfirst($type);
$country =~ s/_/ /g;
$country =~ s/^\s+//;
$country =~ s/\s+$//;
if (!$country)
if ($type =~ m/Mobile/)
$country .= " - Mobile";
if ($rateline =~ m/Cent\/Call/)
$rate_exvat = "0.0";
$rate_incvat = "0.0";
$rate =~ m/([\d\.]+)\s+([\d\.]+)/;
$rate_exvat = $1;
$rate_incvat = $2;
$rate_exvat = $rate_exvat * $tousd;
$rate_incvat = $rate_incvat * $tousd;
# now need to pull the dialplan using the match from broadvoice
# as below
# United Kingdom,0.0
# United Kingdom,44,#,0.00
# United Kingdom - London,44,207# 208#,0.00
# United Kingdom - Mobile,44,7#,0.27
# United Kingdom - Other,44,8# 9#,0.32
# United Kingdom - Personal,44,70#,0.50
# United Kingdom - Mobile,0.081
# United Kingdom - Mobile,44,7#,0.27
@matchcountries = grep(/$country/,@broadvoice);
foreach $countrymatch (@matchcountries)
if ($country =~ m/Mobile/ || $countrymatch =~ m/Mobile/)
if ($country =~ m/Mobile/ && $countrymatch =~ m/Mobile/)
# match only with Mobiles
@linesplit = split(/\,/,$countrymatch);
$prefixlist = $linesplit[1];
@prefixsplit = split(/\s+/,$prefixlist);
foreach $prefix (@prefixsplit)
print "$country,$prefix,$rate_incvat\n";
} elsif ($country) {
# match only with non Mobiles
@linesplit = split(/\,/,$countrymatch);
$prefixlist = $linesplit[1];
@prefixsplit = split(/\s+/,$prefixlist);
foreach $prefix (@prefixsplit)
print "$country,$prefix,$rate_incvat\n";
} else {
print "#no country?\n";
close (FILE);
5. Parsing the XDR rates from TSV file (
@header = null;
open (FILE, $ARGV[0]);
my @values;
while (<FILE>) {
if (m/Date/ && $#header == 0)
@header = split("\t");
elsif ($#header > 0)
@tempvalues = split("\t");
if ($#tempvalues == 1)
foreach $rate_index (0 .. $#tempvalues)
if ($tempvalues[$rate_index] =~ m/\d+/)
$values[$rate_index] = $tempvalues[$rate_index];
close (FILE);
# use the last value of the currency report
foreach $num (0 .. $#header)
$rate = "$header[$num] $values[$num]\n";
if ($rate =~ m/\((\w+)\).*?([\d\.]+)/)
print "$1 $2\n";
6. Convert the csv files into SQL for import into the DB (
open (FILE,"broadvoice.rates.csv");
@broadvoice = <FILE>;
close FILE;
open (FILE,"pennytel.rates.csv");
@pennytel = <FILE>;
close FILE;
open (FILE,"voipian.rates.csv");
@voipian = <FILE>;
close FILE;
print "DELETE from carriers;\n";
print "DELETE from carrier_gateway;\n";
print "DELETE from lcr;\n";
# create the SQL for the carriers
print "INSERT INTO carriers (id,carrier_name) VALUES (1,'broadvoice');\n";
print "INSERT INTO carriers (id,carrier_name) VALUES (2,'');\n";
print "INSERT INTO carriers (id,carrier_name) VALUES (3,'');\n";
# create the gateway info
print "INSERT INTO carrier_gateway (carrier_id, prefix, suffix) VALUES (1, 'sofia/gateway/broadvoice/011', '');\n";
print "INSERT INTO carrier_gateway (carrier_id, prefix, suffix) VALUES (2, 'sofia/gateway/', '');\n";
print "INSERT INTO carrier_gateway (carrier_id, prefix, suffix) VALUES (3, 'sofia/gateway/', '');\n";
# insert the LCR data
foreach $line (@broadvoice)
($country_name, $prefix, $rate) = split(/\,/,$line);
print "INSERT INTO lcr (digits, rate, carrier_id, lead_strip, trail_strip, prefix, suffix, date_start, date_end, quality, reliability) VALUES ('$prefix', $rate, 1, 0, 0, '', '', datetime(current_timestamp,'-1 year'), datetime(current_timestamp,'+1 year') , 0, 0);\n";
# insert the LCR data
foreach $line (@pennytel)
($country_name, $prefix, $rate) = split(/\,/,$line);
print "INSERT INTO lcr (digits, rate, carrier_id, lead_strip, trail_strip, prefix, suffix, date_start, date_end, quality, reliability) VALUES ('$prefix', $rate, 2, 0, 0, '', '', datetime(current_timestamp,'-1 year'), datetime(current_timestamp,'+1 year') , 0, 0);\n";
# insert the LCR data
foreach $line (@voipian)
($country_name, $prefix, $rate) = split(/\,/,$line);
print "INSERT INTO lcr (digits, rate, carrier_id, lead_strip, trail_strip, prefix, suffix, date_start, date_end, quality, reliability) VALUES ('$prefix', $rate, 3, 0, 0, '', '', datetime(current_timestamp,'-1 year'), datetime(current_timestamp,'+1 year') , 0, 0);\n";