AutoProvisioning and Dynamic Directories
Example of quick and nasty auto-provisioning, dynamic directories, and queues for Snom and Polycom.
Last updated 2013.05.18 by wikimedia user Alexcrow
Click here to expand Table of Contents
- 1
- 2 Introduction
- 3 Prerequisites
- 4 Dialplan
- 4.1 Hotdesk Provisioning
- 4.2 Logout
- 4.3 Voicemail Authentication
- 5 DHCP settings
- 6 Apache rewrite rules Setup
- 7 mod_xml_curl Setup
- 8 PHP Examples
- 8.1 Queues
- 8.2 LDAP Functions
- 8.3 Provisioning
- 8.4 Directory Functions
- 8.5 Queue Routing
We have an LDAP server which we use for organisation-wide directory services. It stores extension numbers for users as telephoneNumber and we store a team identifier in departmentNumber. We match this team id against one stored against every customer's phone number in the customer database (Interbase/Firebird in the examples but of course this can be changed).
We wanted to provide the following services:
- Hot–desking for Snom and Polycom phones
- Provisioning phones
- Customer Service number to direct callers by Caller ID to appropriate team.
Beware, the PHP code is ugly and nasty, especially its eschewing the use of the XML libraries in preference to "echo". View it at your own risk!
mod_curl, mod_xml_curl, mod_httapi
should all be enabled.
Hotdesk Provisioning
We need two elements to our hotdesking dialplan. The first is to set up a "restricted" dialplan for phones that are not yet logged in. Users can log in at one phone, multiple phones, dial 999 and reboot their phone.
Note that this is in a new context, "restricted":
Restricted Context Examples
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This context is usually accessed via authenticated callers on the sip profile on port 5060
or transfered callers from the public context which arrived via the sip profile on port 5080.
Authenticated users will use the user_context variable on the user to determine what context
they can access. You can also add a user in the directory with the cidr= attribute acl.conf.xml
will build the domains ACL using this value.
<!-- -->
<context name="restricted">
<extension name="Emergency">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="(^999$)">
<action application="bridge" data="sofia/gateway/myemergencygateway/$1" />
<extension name="Login">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^\*{3}(\d{4})$">
<action application="answer"/>
<action application="sleep" data="1000"/>
<action application="voicemail" data="check auth_only default ${domain} $1"/>
<action application="playback" data="ivr/ivr-this_phone_will_now_reboot.wav"/>
<!--<action application="set" data="res=${api sofia profile internal flush_inbound_reg ${caller_id_number}@${domain} reboot"/>-->
<action application="curl" data="http://localhost/provision/index.php?action=login&mac=${caller_id_number}&exten=11$1" />
<action application="hangup" data="NORMAL_CLEARING"/>
<extension name="Login-mult">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^667(\d{4})$">
<action application="answer"/>
<action application="sleep" data="1000"/>
<action application="playback" data="ivr/ivr-this_phone_will_now_reboot.wav"/>
<!--<action application="set" data="res=${api sofia profile internal flush_inbound_reg ${caller_id_number}@${domain} reboot"/>-->
<action application="curl" data="http://localhost/provision/index.php?action=login-mult&mac=${caller_id_number}&exten=$1" />
<action application="hangup" data="NORMAL_CLEARING"/>
<extension name="reboot phone" continue="false">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^668$">
<action application="answer"/>
<action application="sleep" data="1000"/>
<action application="playback" data="ivr/ivr-this_phone_will_now_reboot.wav"/>
<action application="set" data="res=${bgapi sofia profile internal flush_inbound_reg ${caller_id_number}@${domain} reboot"/>
<action application="hangup" data="NORMAL_CLEARING"/>
<extension name="internal">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^(49\d\d|5[3-4]\d\d|74\d\d|8\d{3}|0)$">
<action application="set" data="ignore_early_media=true"/>
<action application="set" data="ringback=%(2000,4000,440.0,480.0)"/>
<action application="record_session" data="$${recordings_dir}/archive/${strftime(%Y)}/${strftime(%b)}/${strftime(%d)}/${uuid}.wav"/>
<action application="bridge" data="user/$1"/>
In the default context, we need to add another dialplan to allow logout (either from the user's extension or from another extension)
Logout Dialplan Examples
<extension name="Logout">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^\*{3}$">
<action application="answer"/>
<action application="sleep" data="1000"/>
<action application="playback" data="ivr/ivr-this_phone_will_now_reboot.wav"/>
<!--<action application="set" data="res=${api sofia profile internal flush_inbound_reg ${caller_id_number}@${domain} reboot"/>-->
<action application="curl" data="http://localhost/provision/index.php?action=logout&exten=${caller_id_number}&uuid=${uuid}" />
<action application="sleep" data="5000"/>
<action application="log" data="INFO ${curl_response_data}"/>
<action application="hangup" data="NORMAL_CLEARING"/>
<extension name="Logout_directed">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^\*{3}911(\d{4})$">
<action application="answer"/>
<action application="sleep" data="1000"/>
<action application="playback" data="ivr/ivr-this_phone_will_now_reboot.wav"/>
<!--<action application="set" data="res=${api sofia profile internal flush_inbound_reg ${caller_id_number}@${domain} reboot"/>-->
<action application="curl" data="http://localhost/provision/index.php?action=logout&exten=$1&uuid=${uuid}" />
<action application="sleep" data="5000"/>
<action application="log" data="INFO ${curl_response_data}"/>
<action application="hangup" data="NORMAL_CLEARING"/>
Voicemail Authentication
Note in both diaplans we check the user's voicemail PIN for auth.
Customer Service number
Customer Service Number
<extension name="teams" >
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^8770$">
<action application="httapi" data="{url=http://localhost/teamdial/teamdial.php?callerid=${caller_id_number}}"/>
DHCP settings
For Snom, add a DHCP directive like:
option tftp-server-name "http://webserver/provision/index.php?mac={mac}&manuf=snom";
For Polycom:
option tftp-server-name "http://webserver/provision/";
Apache rewrite rules Setup
We need to add a rewrite rule for the Polycom phones so we can generate a valid URL for the <mac>.cfg and <mac>-settings.cfg files.
Apache Rewrite Rules for Polycoms
<Directory /var/www/>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^provision/(0004[A-Fa-f0-9]{8})(-settings.|\.)cfg$ provision/index.php?mac=$1&manuf=polycom&filename=$2
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
allow from all
mod_xml_curl Setup
Set up the bindings for directory and configuration:
mod_xml_curl Configuration
<configuration name="xml_curl.conf" description="cURL XML Gateway">
<binding name="dir">
<param name="gateway-url" value="http://localhost/xmlcurldir/index.php" bindings="directory"/>
<binding name="config">
<param name="gateway-url" value="http://localhost/config/index.php" bindings="configuration"/>
PHP Examples
Configuration for Queues (/var/www/config/index.php):
PHP Queue Configuration Example Expand source
require_once ('../ldapstuff/ldapfuncs.php');
function writeQueueEntry($name) {
echo '
<queue name="' . $name . '@default">
<param name="strategy" value="longest-idle-agent"/>
<param name="moh-sound" value="$${hold_music}"/>
<!--<param name="record-template" value="$${base_dir}/recordings/${strftime(%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)}.${destination_number}.${caller_id_number}.${uuid}.wav"/>-->
<param name="time-base-score" value="system"/>
<param name="max-wait-time" value="0"/>
<param name="max-wait-time-with-no-agent" value="0"/>
<param name="max-wait-time-with-no-agent-time-reached" value="5"/>
<param name="tier-rules-apply" value="false"/>
<param name="tier-rule-wait-second" value="300"/>
<param name="tier-rule-wait-multiply-level" value="true"/>
<param name="tier-rule-no-agent-no-wait" value="false"/>
<param name="discard-abandoned-after" value="240"/>
<param name="abandoned-resume-allowed" value="true"/>
define('FS_HEADER', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<document type="freeswitch/xml">
<section name="configuration">
<configuration name="callcenter.conf" description="CallCenter">
<!--<param name="odbc-dsn" value="dsn:user:pass"/>-->
<!--<param name="dbname" value="/dev/shm/callcenter.db"/>-->
define('FS_FOOTER', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
$teamList = getGroups();
foreach ($teamList as $team) {
LDAP Functions
LDAP functions (/var/www/ldapstuff/ldapfuncs.php):
PHP LDAP Example Expand source
function ldapEscape($s, $d = FALSE, $i = NULL)
* | str $s - Subject string |
* | bool $d - DN mode |
* | mixed $i - Chars to ignore |
* \****************************/
$m = ($d) ? array(
1 => '\\',
) : array(
1 => '\\',
if (is_string($i) && ($l = strlen($s))) {
for ($n = 0; $n < $l; $n++) {
if ($k = array_search(substr($s, $n, 1), $m)) {
} else if (is_array($i)) {
foreach ($i as $c) {
if ($k = array_search($c, $m)) {
$q = array();
foreach ($m as $k => $c) {
$q[$k] = '\\' . str_pad(dechex(ord($c)), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
return str_replace($m, $q, $s);
function getFromLDAP($sExtension)
$sEMail = null;
$sTelephoneNumber = null;
$sCN = null;
$callGroup = null;
$sLDAPBase = 'ou=People,ou=Accounts,dc=example,dc=net';
// connecting to ldap
$conn = ldap_connect('ldap://', 389);
if ($conn) {
// binding to ldap
//$lOldError = error_reporting(E_ERROR ^ E_WARNING);
$lOldError = error_reporting(E_ERROR);
$bind = ldap_bind($conn);
if ($bind) {
// we've successfully logged in!
$asAttrs = array(
$sLDAPQuery = 'telephoneNumber=' . ldapEscape($sExtension, false);
$r = @ldap_search($conn, $sLDAPBase, $sLDAPQuery, $asAttrs);
if ($r) {
$aResult = @ldap_first_entry($conn, $r);
if ($aResult != false) {
$aTelephoneNumber = @ldap_get_values($conn, $aResult, 'telephoneNumber');
if ($aTelephoneNumber["count"]) {
$aCN = @ldap_get_values($conn, $aResult, 'cn');
$sCN = $aCN[0];
$aEMail = @ldap_get_values($conn, $aResult, 'mail');
$aCallGroup = @ldap_get_values($conn, $aResult, 'departmentNumber');
$callGroup = $aCallGroup[0];
if ($aEMail["count"]) {
$sEMail = $aEMail[0];
} else {
$sEMail = '';
return array(
function getGroups()
$teams = array();
$sLDAPBase = 'ou=People,ou=Accounts,dc=example,dc=net';
// connecting to ldap
$conn = ldap_connect('ldap://', 389);
if ($conn) {
// binding to ldap
$lOldError = error_reporting(E_ERROR);
$bind = ldap_bind($conn);
if ($bind) {
// we've successfully logged in!
$asAttrs = array(
$sLDAPQuery = 'telephoneNumber=*';
$r = @ldap_search($conn, $sLDAPBase, $sLDAPQuery, $asAttrs);
if ($r) {
$aResult = @ldap_get_entries($conn, $r);
if ($aResult != false) {
$teams = array_map(create_function('$arr', 'return $arr["departmentnumber"][0];'), $aResult);
return $teams;
Provisioning script (/var/www/provision/index.php):
PHP Provisioning Example Expand source
require_once ('/usr/share/php/ESL.php');
require_once ('../ldapstuff/ldapfuncs.php');
define('OURFSDOMAIN', '');
function rebootPhone($ext, $domain) {
$sock = new ESLconnection('localhost','8021','ClueCon');
$res = $sock->sendRecv("api sofia profile internal flush_inbound_reg $ext@$domain reboot");
$ret = $res->getBody();
return ($ret);
function addToQueue($caller,$team,$domain) {
$sock = new ESLconnection('localhost','8021','ClueCon');
res= $sock->sendRecv("api callcenter_config agent add $caller@$domain callback");
res= $sock->sendRecv("api callcenter_config tier add $team@default $caller@$domain 1 1");
function delFromQueue($caller,$team,$domain) {
$sock = new ESLconnection('localhost','8021','ClueCon');
res= $sock->sendRecv("api callcenter_config tier del $team@default $caller@$domain");
res= $sock->sendRecv("api callcenter_config agent del $caller@domain");
function provSnom ($mac, $ext, $name) {
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<phone-settings e="2">
<language perm="">English</language>
<redirect_event perm="">none</redirect_event>
<dhcp perm="">on</dhcp>
<vlan_id perm="">0</vlan_id>
<ip_frag_enable perm="">on</ip_frag_enable>
<utc_offset perm="">0</utc_offset>
<ntp_server perm=""></ntp_server>
<http_user perm="">admin</http_user>
<http_pass perm="">password</http_pass>
<dst perm="">3600 03.05.07 02:00:00 10.05.07 03:00:00</dst>
<timezone perm="">GBR-0</timezone>
<user_phone perm="">off</user_phone>
<admin_mode_password perm="">4567</admin_mode_password>
<tone_scheme perm="">GBR</tone_scheme>
<logon_wizard perm="">on</logon_wizard>
<publish_presence perm="">on</publish_presence>
<call_waiting perm="">visual</call_waiting>
<callpickup_dialoginfo perm="">on</callpickup_dialoginfo>
<date_us_format perm="">off</date_us_format>
<time_24_format perm="">on</time_24_format>
<ldap_server perm=""></ldap_server>
<ldap_base perm="">ou=People,ou=Accounts,dc=ifa,dc=net</ldap_base>
<peer_to_peer_cc perm="">off</peer_to_peer_cc>
<dkey_snom perm="">keyevent F_DIRECTORY_SEARCH</dkey_snom>
<dkey_retrieve perm="">speed *98</dkey_retrieve>
<show_xml_pickup perm="">off</show_xml_pickup>
<firmware_version perm="">snom370-SIP 7.3.30</firmware_version>
<ldap_lookup_ringing perm="">off</ldap_lookup_ringing>
<ldap_search_filter perm="">(&(telephoneNumber=*)(sn=%))</ldap_search_filter>
<ldap_number_filter perm="">(&(telephoneNumber=%)(sn=*))</ldap_number_filter>
<ldap_name_attributes perm="">cn sn</ldap_name_attributes>
<ldap_number_attributes perm="">telephoneNumber</ldap_number_attributes>
<ldap_display_name perm="">%cn</ldap_display_name>
<use_hidden_tags perm="">off</use_hidden_tags>
<show_name_dialog perm="">on</show_name_dialog>
<uboot_version perm="">1.1.3-u</uboot_version>
<user_realname idx="1" perm="">' . $name . '</user_realname>
<user_name idx="1" perm="">' . $ext . '</user_name>
<user_host idx="1" perm=""></user_host>
<user_pname idx="1" perm="">' . $ext . '</user_pname>
<user_pass idx="1" perm="">password</user_pass>
<user_mailbox idx="1" perm="">' . $ext . '</user_mailbox>
<user_srtp idx="1" perm="">off</user_srtp>
<user_xml_screen_url idx="1" perm="">http://webserver/idle.xml</user_xml_screen_url>
<user_ringer idx="1" perm="">Ringer6</user_ringer>
<codec1_name idx="1" perm="">9</codec1_name>
<codec2_name idx="1" perm="">0</codec2_name>
<codec3_name idx="1" perm="">8</codec3_name>
<codec4_name idx="1" perm="">4</codec4_name>
<codec5_name idx="1" perm="">18</codec5_name>
<codec6_name idx="1" perm="">3</codec6_name>
<codec7_name idx="1" perm="">3</codec7_name>
<user_savp idx="1" perm="">optional</user_savp>
<user_publish_presence_bootup idx="1" perm="">on</user_publish_presence_bootup>
<functionKeys e="2">
<fkey idx="0" context="active" perm="">none</fkey>
<fkey idx="1" context="active" perm="">none</fkey>
<fkey idx="2" context="active" perm="">none</fkey>
<fkey idx="3" context="active" perm="">none</fkey>
<fkey idx="4" context="active" perm="">none</fkey>
<fkey idx="5" context="active" perm="">none</fkey>
<fkey idx="6" context="1" perm="">none</fkey>
<fkey idx="7" context="1" perm="">none</fkey>
<fkey idx="8" context="1" perm="">none</fkey>
<fkey idx="9" context="1" perm="">none</fkey>
<fkey idx="10" context="1" perm="">none</fkey>
<fkey idx="11" context="1" perm="">none</fkey>
<tbook e="2">
function provPolycom ($mac, $ext, $name, $filename) {
if ($filename == '.') {
echo '<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<APPLICATION APP_FILE_PATH="sip.ld" CONFIG_FILES="' . $mac . '-settings.cfg, local-phone1.cfg, local-sip.cfg, phone1.cfg, sip.cfg" MISC_FILES="" LOG_FILE_DIRECTORY="" OVERRIDES_DIRECTORY="" CONTACTS_DIRECTORY="" LICENSE_DIRECTORY="">
else if ($filename == '-settings.') {
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<reg reg.1.displayName="' . $name . '" reg.1.address="' . $ext .'" reg.1.label="' . $name . '" reg.1.type="private" reg.1.auth.userId="' . $ext . '" reg.1.auth.password="password"/>
function provPolycomSettings ($mac, $ext) {
#TBI, implement BLF
function provSnomSettings ($mac, $ext) {
#TBI, implement BLF
class MyDB extends SQLite3
function __construct()
$db = new MyDB();
//if action is defined this is from the FS dialplan
if (array_key_exists('action', $_REQUEST)) {
$action = $_REQUEST['action'];
$exten = $_REQUEST['exten'];
$aLDAPres = getFromLDAP($exten);
if ($aLDAPres[1] != NULL) {
$team = $aLDAPres[2];
if ($action == 'logout') {
//delete all entries for the exten
$query = "DELETE FROM provision WHERE exten='$exten'";
rebootPhone($exten, OURFSDOMAIN);
if ( preg_match("/^CSM/", $team) {
if ($action == 'login') {
$mac = $_REQUEST['mac'];
//is this phone logged in elsewhere?
$query = "SELECT exten FROM provision WHERE exten='$exten'";
$res = $db->querySingle($query);
if ($res) {
$query = "DELETE FROM provision WHERE exten='$exten'";
rebootPhone($exten, OURFSDOMAIN);
if ( preg_match("/^CSM/", $team) {
//now insert new ext of the request var "$exten", as long as it matches a valid extension (initially from regex, later from LDAP)
$query = "DELETE FROM provision WHERE mac='$mac'";
$query = "INSERT INTO provision VALUES ('$mac','$exten')";
rebootPhone($mac, OURFSDOMAIN);
if ($action == 'login-mult') {
$mac = $_REQUEST['mac'];
//now insert new ext of the request var "$exten", as long as it matches a valid extension (initially from regex, later from LDAP)
$query = "DELETE FROM provision WHERE mac='$mac'";
$query = "INSERT INTO provision VALUES ('$mac','$exten')";
rebootPhone($mac, OURFSDOMAIN);
} else {
//else this is from the phone
//so far this only will work with Snom
$name = 'Dial *** then number to login';
$mac = $_REQUEST['mac'];
$manuf = $_REQUEST['manuf'];
//if (mac is in in the db)
$query = "SELECT exten FROM provision WHERE mac='$mac'";
$res = $db->querySingle($query);
if ( $res ) {
//look up extension no
if ($exten != $mac) {
$aLDAPres = getFromLDAP($exten);
$name = $aLDAPres[1];
//call provision mac=mac, exten=from sql
switch($manuf) {
case "snom":
case "polycom":
$filename = $_REQUEST['filename'];
} else {
//if (mac is not in the db)
//insert mac=mac addr, ext=mac addr
$query = "INSERT INTO provision VALUES ('$mac','$mac')";
switch($manuf) {
case "snom":
case "polycom":
$filename = $_REQUEST['filename'];
Directory Functions
Directory stuff (/var/www/xmlcurldir/index.php):
PHP Directory Examples Expand source
require_once ('../ldapstuff/ldapfuncs.php');
define('OURFSDOMAIN', '');
define('NOT_FOUND_RESPONSE', '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<document type="freeswitch/xml">
<section name="result">
<result status="not found" />
define('DIALSTRING', '<param name="dial-string" value="{sip_invite_domain=${domain_name},presence_id=${dialed_user}@${dialed_domain}}${sofia_contact(${dialed_user}@${dialed_domain})}"/>');
function writeNotFoundResponse()
function writeStartupResponse()
echo '<document type="freeswitch/xml">
<section name="directory" description="Dynamic User Directory">
<domain name="' . OURFSDOMAIN . '">
function writeACLResponse()
function writeAuthorizationResponse($sUser, $sContext, $sEMail, $sCN, $callGroup)
$sEMailString = NULL;
$sContextString = NULL;
$callGroupString = NULL;
$vmPass = NULL;
if ((is_null($sEMail) == false) && (is_string($sEMail)) && (strlen($sEMail) > 0)) {
$sEMailString = '<param name="vm-mailto" value="' . $sEMail . '"/>';
if ((is_null($sContext) == false) && (is_string($sContext)) && (strlen($sContext) > 0)) {
$sContextString = '<variable name="user_context" value="' . $sContext . '"/>';
if ((is_null($callGroup) == false) && (is_string($callGroup)) && (strlen($callGroup) > 0)) {
$callGroupString = '<variable name="callgroup" value="' . $callGroup . '"/>';
class MyDB extends SQLite3
function __construct()
$db = new MyDB();
$query = "SELECT password FROM voicemail_prefs WHERE username='$sUser'";
$res = $db->querySingle($query);
if ($res) {
$vmPass = 'user-choose';
} else {
$vmPass = $sUser;
echo '<document type="freeswitch/xml">
<section name="directory" description="Dynamic User Directory">
<domain name="' . OURFSDOMAIN . '">
<group name="default">
<user id="' . $sUser . '">
<param name="password" value="jopasdfimjajpadfkog"/>
<param name="vm-password" value="' . $vmPass . '"/>
<param name="vm-enabled" value="true"/>
<param name="vm-email-all-messages" value="true"/>
<param name="vm-attach-file" value="true"/>
<param name="vm-keep-local-after-email" value="true"/>
<param name="MWI-Account" value="' . $sUser . '@' . OURFSDOMAIN . '"/>
' . $sEMailString . '
<variable name="toll_allow" value=""/>
<variable name="accountcode" value="' . $sUser . '"/>
' . $sContextString . '
<variable name="outbound_caller_id_name" value="' . $sCN . '"/>
<variable name="outbound_caller_id_number" value="' . $sUser . '"/>
<variable name="limit_max" value="1"/>
<variable name="limit_destination" value="voicemail:' . $sUser . '"/>
<!--<variable name="sip-force-contact" value="NDLB-tls-connectile-dysfunction"/>-->
' . $callGroupString . '
function writeDialByUserResponse($sUser,$callGroup)
$callGroupString = NULL;
if ((is_null($callGroup) == false) && (is_string($callGroup)) && (strlen($callGroup) > 0)) {
$callGroupString = '<variable name="callgroup" value="' . $callGroup . '"/>';
echo '<document type="freeswitch/xml">
<section name="directory" description="Dynamic User Directory">
<domain name="' . OURFSDOMAIN . '">
' . $callGroupString . '
<group name="default">
<user id="' . $sUser . '">
if (array_key_exists('section', $_REQUEST) && ($_REQUEST['section'] == 'directory')) {
//Now We have a valid XML CURL req for directory
//Check for startup, ie tag_name does not exist, pass startup and exit
if (array_key_exists('tag_name', $_REQUEST)) {
$sTagName = $_REQUEST['tag_name'];
if ((is_null($sTagName)) || (strlen($sTagName) == 0) || (is_string($sTagName) == false)) {
//this is Startup
} else {
//Initially call getFromLDAP and if return is null call not_found
$sUser = $_REQUEST['user'];
$aEmail = getFromLDAP($sUser);
$sEmail = $aEmail[0];
$sCN = $aEmail[1];
$callGroup = $aEmail[2];
if (is_null($sCN)) {
if (preg_match("/[A-Fa-f0-9]{12}/", "$sUser")) {
writeAuthorizationResponse($sUser, "restricted", "", "Enter Extension", "");
} else {
} else {
$sKeyName = $_REQUEST['key_name'];
$sKeyValue = $_REQUEST['key_value'];
$sEventName = $_REQUEST['Event-Name'];
$sEventCallingFunction = $_REQUEST['Event-Calling-Function'];
//Then differentiate between auth, vm and user_call.
if (($sTagName == 'domain') && ($sKeyName == 'name') && ($sKeyValue == OURFSDOMAIN)) {
//check if user_call or registration
if ($sEventName == "REQUEST_PARAMS") {
$sAction = '';
if (array_key_exists('action', $_REQUEST)) {
$sAction = $_REQUEST['action'];
if (($sAction == "user_call") && ($sEventCallingFunction == 'user_outgoing_channel')) {
writeDialByUserResponse($sUser, $callGroup);
} else {
writeAuthorizationResponse($sUser, "default", $sEmail, $sCN, $callGroup);
} else if (($sEventName == 'GENERAL') && (($sEventCallingFunction == 'resolve_id') || ($sEventCallingFunction == 'voicemail_check_main'))) {
writeAuthorizationResponse($sUser, "default", $sEmail, $sCN, $callGroup);
} else {
} else {
//endif for "is directory request"
//endif for POST check
Queue Routing
Direct incoming calls to the right queue - please note I've had to remove the query data from the query_ib function. The query should return just the department as stored in your customer database and a Caller Name (/var/www/teamdial/teamdial.php):
PHP Script writeDialResponse Expand source
function writeDialResponse($number,$name) {
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo '<document type="xml/freeswitch-httapi">
<dial context="default" caller-id-name="' . $name . '" dialplan="XML">' . $number . '</dial>
function writeQueueResponse($queue,$name) {
header('Content-Type: text/xml');
echo '<document type="xml/freeswitch-httapi">
<execute application="callcenter">' . $queue . '@default</dial>
function interbase_sql_exec($host, $username, $password, $sql) {
$dataArr = array();
$connection = ibase_connect($host, $username, $password, "NONE");
$rid = @ibase_query($connection, $sql);
if ($rid===false) return NULL;
while ($row = ibase_fetch_row ($rid)) {
$dataArr[] = $row;
ibase_close ($connection);
return $dataArr;
function query_ib($caller_id) {
return $result[0];
if (array_key_exists('callerid', $_REQUEST)) {
$cid = $_REQUEST['callerid'];
$cid = preg_replace("/\ 44/","0",$cid,1); #on UK numbers, remove 44 with leading space.
//array of the teams we are interested in, with numbers if you want to call number instead of queue.
//could remove this and the check against it below if your data is perfect.
$numIndex = array(
"TEAMA" => 8710,
"TEAMB" => 8711,
"TEAMC" => 8712,
"TEAMD" => 8714,
"TEAME" => 8710,
"TEAMF" => 8711,
"TEAMG" => 8712,
"TEAMH" => 8714,
"TEAMI" => 8710,
"TEAMJ" => 8711,
"TEAMK" => 8712,
"TEAML" => 8714,
"TEAMO" => 8710,
"TEAMP" => 8710,
if ($res) {
$team = trim($res[0]);
$cidname = trim($res[1]);
$num = "1000"; //reception no as fallback.
if ($num = $numindex[$team]) {
} else {
} else {
# $db->close();
} else {
--Alexcrow 13:01, 18 May 2013 (UTC)
"export to PDF" is terrible! Please checkto word - is even worse! Posted by denis at Mar 06, 2015 05:41 |
I checked. You are correct, it is terrible. Posted by boteman at Mar 06, 2015 12:41 |