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Skype Connect


Skype now supports SIP via Skype Connect, as part of its Skype for Business offering.

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Note the EULA and Terms of Service, e.g. no reselling allowed, for business users only, no emergency calls, etc.Caveats

Also, incoming calls from Skype users are supported, but only Skype business accounts created via the Skype Manager (not for personal accounts), and Skype Connect only appears to support outgoing calls to landlines (via Skype Out), not outgoing calls to any Skype users.

SIP Profile

Skype SIP User_and _Password values can be found or set in the Skype Manager under Features > Skype Connect > SIP Profiles > YOUR PROFILE > Authentication Details. Note: this is not your Skype username, but a separate SIP username for each SIP Profile you've created in the Skype Manager.


Skype offers Registration or IP based authentication for each SIP profile.

Using the Registration method:

<gateway name="skype">
<param name="realm" value=""/>
<param name="proxy" value=""/> <!-- is this necessary? it's the same as realm -->
<param name="from-domain" value=""/>
<param name="username" value="YOUR_SKYPE_sip_USERNAME"/>
<param name="from-user" value="YOUR_SKYPE_sip_USERNAME"/>
<param name="password" value="YOUR_SKYPE_SIP_PASSWORD"/>
<param name="contact-params" value=""/>
<param name="extension" value="YOUR_SKYPE_sip_USERNAME"/>
<param name="extension-in-contact" value="true"/>
<param name="retry-seconds" value="30"/>
<param name="caller-id-in-from" value="false"/>

 Param caller-id-in-from should be set false. Quick Start Guide: "If you are making outgoing calls, ensure that your SIP user name is in the From field in the SIP message (i.e."

TODO: using IP based authentication

Dialplan Configuration

Main Source:

In the Skype Manager, you must purchase at least one channel for the SIP profile, and configuring incoming / outgoing appropriately.

Inbound: conf/dialplan/public/01_skype.xml

You must first configure the Incoming settings for the SIP Profile in the Skype Manager. Note that Skype business accounts can be configured here, but not Skype personal accounts.

<extension name="skype_inbound">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="YOUR_SKYPE_SIP_USERNAME">
<action application="transfer" data="YOU_LOCAL_NUMBER_WHERE_YOU_Want_TRANSFER_SKYPE_CALL XML default"/>

Outbound: conf/dialplan/default/01_skype.xml

This has not been tested yet.

Note: Any number beginning with YOURPREFIX (e.g. 00) will be routed via Skype. Replace YOURPREFIX with the prefix you would like to use.

<extension name="skype_outbound">
<condition field="destination_number" expression="^(YOURPREFIX\d+)$">
<action application="bridge" data="sofia/gateway/skype/$1"/>


Quick Start Guide, Users Guides, Requirements, forums, etc. are available at the Skype Connect support page