Installation DEPRECATED
Operating Systems
Linux and Unix
The primary Linux distributions supported include the latest versions of Debian and CentOS. Be sure to use CentOS versions later than 6.3 to avoid a kernel timing bug that affected the proper operation of FreeSWITCH. CentOS 5 is RIGHT OUT!
Successful installations have been reported on FreeBSD and Ubuntu, although the FS team would appreciate devoted *BSD and Ubuntu users to maintain those ports and build systems.
Mac OS X
The comprehensive Installation and Setup on OS X guide has detailed installation steps and instructions for setting up a 24x7 Mac. OS X is based on BSD Unix so there are similarities to the Linux installation.
Information for source and binary installation is found at Windows Install which also contains Quick Start information. Very little information on this page applies to Windows other than the Source Options.
Directory Permissions
FreeSWITCH™ can be placed in any directory. However, for Unix and Linux the source code is typically installed in /usr/local/src/freeswitch and binaries in /usr/local/freeswitch. Some systems drop 'local' and use /usr/src. These directories are usually root protected after initial OS installation. You should change the owner and group so that root is not needed for installation or execution of FreeSWITCH. You should create and set permissions on /usr/local/freeswitch in this fashion:
Set Permissions
sudo mkdir /usr/local/freeswitch
sudo chown -R newid:newgroup /usr/local/freeswitch
Executive summary: deploy the latest official release for production systems, master from git for test and development systems that require the very latest features or patches.
The current release is recommended for production use. The yum and Debian packages provide the easiest path to a working FreeSWITCH installation.
The 1.4 release is available in Git branch v1.4 Patches will be made here and periodically released as the next minor version. Since not every patch will mean a newer version you will get the very latest patches to the current release by using this branch. This branch is a moving target - the checkout date and revision will form part of the version number.
The current release in a tarball of FreeSWITCH is version 1.4.4, released on 23 May 2014. Older releases and other files are in the file archive, along with digital signatures that you can use to verify your download.
If you wish to compile your own build with the very latest features you can use the Master branch from Git. New features will only be added to the Master branch. This will have the newest, latest, and greatest features, but due to upgrading of the bundled libraries it might be less stable than the current release for a short while. If you use this branch you should test the installation before releasing it to production use to confirm that it is stable in your environment. You can then use 'git checkout' to install the same tested revision on all your systems.
NOTE that this is a formal change of development practice; Master used to be the recommended deployment target for all users, but now the tarballs and the Git current release version number serve that purpose. Older documentation and tutorials may still exist recommending using Master, but these will now be out-of-date.
When upgrading please review the Release Notes page to see whether there are any behavior changes since previous versions.
Recommended: Git
Git provides access to the latest features and bug fixes added throughout the day. Most often you will only use the clone and pull commands. There is an excellent Online Git Book available in multiple languages. For help installing Git see Git_Install. The following creates a freeswitch directory and downloads a "clone" of the current source:
cd /usr/local/src
git clone git://
git clone -b v1.4 git://
Note: git reset --hard <commit_id> - will revert all local changes and reset the working copy to the specified commit.
Selecting version
There are 2 branches in Git - Master and v1.4
v1.4 is the branch for the 1.4 series. It contains the current release, plus any patches made since that release.
git clone -b v1.4 git://
Master is where the development for the future 1.4 release is being done. New features are added to this branch, but it may be less stable than 1.4 at times.
git clone git://
You can switch branches on an already cloned Git tree:
git checkout v1.4
git checkout master
If you get an error on GIT PULL on v1.4 saying You asked me to pull without telling me which branch you want to merge with
Then run this to add the definition for that branch to .git/config:
git branch --set-upstream v1.4 origin/v1.4
You can see all remote branches with git branch -r. You can check out 1.4beta for example with
git checkout v1.4.beta
Some more information for people trying git tag: 1.4beta is snapshots of the 1.5 development code base. Version 1.4 has replaced 1.2 as the current release.
Reverting to an Earlier Commit in Git
Sometimes when things go terribly wrong with the latest commits (regression-type bugs), you can always revert to an earlier commit with git. Simply type in:
git checkout <revhash>
where <revhash> is the hash of an earlier commit. You can find the commit hashes here.
After reverting to a previous version, it is strongly recommended that you (in the following order):
- Report the issue to the FreeSWITCH JIRA
- Run 'git clean -d -f -x' on the root directory of the sources of FreeSWITCH to remove non-git files and spare compilation files.
- Run 'rm -rf /usr/local/freeswitch/{lib,mod,bin}/*' to remove the current binary files in those 3 directories.
- Re-bootstrap the code
- Re-run the configure process
... before you re-build the code from an earlier revision.
To go back to the very latest commit from the development branch, simply type in
git checkout master
Revert only certain commit
To reverse only the one commit change on newer build
git log -1 -p <revhash> | patch -p1 -R
Contributed source may be obtained from the freeswitch-contrib tree as follows (this will compile and install updates):
git clone git://
Sample configs can be downloaded as well:
git clone git://
The Latest Build site is currently empty.
Compiling and Installation
Ensure that the required prerequisites are installed. Also check if there are notes for your distribution in Distribution Information and Installation.
Switch to the src/freeswitch Directory
The remaining commands are executed from the directory containing the FreeSWITCH™ source (use whatever directory the source is located in):
cd /usr/local/src/freeswitch
Installed from Git
If Git was used to download, the configuration files must be built before the first compile. ./ creates many files including modules.conf. Once this is performed it's not normally required to be performed again. If you're installing from a tarball, this script was run before packaging, and you shouldn't need to run it.
You can use multiple cores for your bootstrap/config/build, by specifying it at the start, e.g.: (note this may make build errors harder to spot)
./ -j
However, its not recommended to use the -j flag for either or make, on on a slow machine (older machines or say a raspberry pi) -j will fail randomly due to how it is handled. on the make this may also randomly fail. (quoted from Ken Rice in FS-4891)
Configure for Compilation
./configure sets compilation options. Invoke the following command to configure for compilation:
You can have the checks cached for each module, by using:
./configure -C
If you want to install FreeSWITCH to a non-standard location you can simply append the --prefix option to the configure script as shown in this example:
./configure --prefix=<example of non standard location>
Edit modules.conf
The modules.conf file contains the list of modules to be compiled, some are commented as they are not required. As your FreeSWITCH™ configuration becomes more complex additional modules may be required. If you plan to test the sample IVR after installation, FLITE must be added to the compile as follows:
- Use an editor to navigate to and edit /usr/local/src/freeswitch/modules.conf (or whatever directory it was placed into)
- Search for "flite" and remove the # to uncomment.
- Save the file.
If this is your first experience with FreeSWITCH™ don't add more than FLITE. Adding functions may result in additional prerequisites that must be installed.
Building FLITE requires about 450 megabytes of addressable memory, so if you are building on a device with limited RAM, you'll need to create a swap file (a.k.a. Virtual Memory or paging file) of sufficient size to allow the build to proceed, or simply do not include mod_flite in the build. (Please refer to your operating system's documentation for instructions on how to create a swap file.) All other modules in the default configuration will build successfully on devices with less than 100MB of available RAM.
Compile and Install
Invoke the following commands to compile and create the binaries:
make && make install
"make install" does not overwrite existing configuration files in freeswitch/conf if a freeswitch.xml file already exists in conf.
Compile and Install Sounds
There are IVR sound prompts and music on hold files that are optional but must be compiled and installed to run the sample IVR. There are four versions available:
- sounds-install moh-install (8 kHz)
- hd-sounds-install hd-moh-install (16 kHz)
- uhd-sounds-install uhd-moh-install (32 kHz)
- cd-sounds-install cd-moh-install (48 kHz)
The cd sounds are recommended since all the sampling rates are provided resulting in fewer problems. Invoke the following command:
make all cd-sounds-install cd-moh-install
Ready to Test!
Switch to the freeswitch/bin directory and try some stuff! When you're done read the Getting Started Guide to learn how to configure FreeSWITCH™.
cd /usr/local/freeswitch/bin
Upgrading and Re-installation
When upgrading please review the Release Notes page to see whether there are any behavior changes since previous versions.
See the Download & Installation Guide.
Updating the Source
If FreeSWITCH™ was previously installed using a Git based installation, and only a clean update to the latest tree is required, issue this command:
make current
The make current command will clean your build environment, do a git pull, and then do a make install for you.
After doing a "git pull" or changing source files, it may be desirable to clean out your build area:
make clean modwipe
Alternatively, you can execute "make current" which will handle the git pull, clean up, and rebuild in one step:
make current completely cleans the build environment and rebuilds FreeSWITCH™ so it runs a long time. However, it will not overwrite files in a pre-existing "conf" directory. Also, the clean targets leave the "modules.conf" file.
make current
To check if there are any new modules execute:
diff build/ modules.conf
If a previously disabled module is now enabled, or there is a requirement to rebuild a single module, execute the following (replace mod_name with the name of the module to build):
Upgrading on-the-fly
It is highly inadvisable to upgrade FreeSWITCH on-the-fly (aka while running) as this can cause unexpected behavior and may potentially hang the entire system.
However it can be done by following these steps below:
After recompilation while FS is still running you can still install:
Note, this will automatically install, and it even first cleans the build dir and the installation dir, which should even work while FS is running, provided no modules are reloaded or loaded:
make mod_name-install
make current
To make the changes of the new build take effect, FS has to be restarted:
/usr/local/freeswitch/bin/fs_cli -x shutdown elegant restart
This will wait for all traffic to end, yet still allow new traffic. <--ERROR***
If you want to restart as soon as possible, you can use:
/usr/local/freeswitch/bin/fs_cli -x shutdown asap restart
This will restart FS as soon as there is no more traffic and it will not allow any new traffic to make this happen as soon as possible.
If you want a faster rebuild, you can make use of make's dependency system. Note that this will not make the version command reflect the actual git revision, as the modules making use of it will not be rebuild if there is no change of them in the git tree.
Be aware some things might not be rebuilt which might be important to be and there might occur compile errors / runtime errors / segfaults. In my experience, this is rare, but if you encounter any problems, a clean rebuild is advisable to see if the problem persists.
make sync all install
To always reflect the actual git version and revision in every module, there should be a function switch_core_get_version() which would be in an object always rebuilt and giving the actual version in return. So far a preprocessor variable is used.
Compile Errors
If you encounter compile errors or other bugs be sure to test it again with the latest Git version, then file a bug report at or email (we prefer that you use Jira so that we can track all issues). Remember FreeSWITCH™ development is always ongoing and requires contributions from everybody.
Compiling 32-bit Target on 64-bit System
To compile a 32-bit binary on a 64-bit system:
CFLAGS=-m32 CXXFLAGS=-m32 LDFLAGS=-m32 ./configure
Is below still needed?
Python 3.x build workaround (e.g. Arch linux)
On systems where Python 3.x is the system default FreeSWITCH will fail to build some modules such as v8. Use the following workaround to build them using Python 2.7x
Create file /usr/local/bin/python with content like this:
script=`readlink -f -- "$1"`
case "$script" in (/home/user/freeswitch-source-dir)
exec python2 "$@"
script=`readlink -f -- "$2"`
case "$script" in (/home/user/freeswitch-source-dir)
exec python2 "$@"
exec python3 "$@"
Where /home/user/freeswitch-source-dir is the path to the build directory containing the FreeSWITCH source files.
Don't forget to make it executable:
# chmod +x /usr/local/bin/python
This information was reposted from the Arch wiki[1]
Common Prerequisites
These mandatory prerequisites provide for compiling the standard FreeSWITCH™ installation and test the supplied configuration and sample IVR. They are sufficient for many production systems.
- GCC-C++
- LIBJPEG-DEVEL Used by mod_spandsp for basic codecs
There are optional modules that can be built and if so may require one or more of the following;
- curl-devel for mod_xml_curl
- expat-devel
- libtiff for fax support
- libx11-devel for Mod_skypopen
- ODBC or UNIX-ODBC and ODBC-devel see the ODBC page for information
- OpenSSL (libssl-dev / openssl-devel) for SIP SSL & TLS and Dingaling
- python-devel for the python interface
- ZLIB and ZLIB-devel
- libzrtp ZRTP encryption support, see the FreeSWITCH™ ZRTP IS NOW DEPREICATED and will be removed out of the docs
Distribution Information and Installation
Arch Linux
Arch Linux uses the pacman package manager. It also has a ports-like build system called Arch Build System.
To build FreeSWITCH from the latest git, use the freeswitch-fixed package. This package is documented on the Arch Linux Wiki
The packages for FreeSWITCH™ current release (and the zaptel dependency for mod_openzap) are available at the AUR repository:
To build these packages follow the instructions of the Makepkg build system. You will need the following pre-requisites:
pacman -S base-devel libjpeg python2 unixodbc git
Alternatively, if you have an AUR helper installed, you may install with:
packer -S freeswitch-git
yaourt -S freeswitch-git
CentOS & RedHat Enterprise Linux
CentOS 5.5 x86_64 - Tested 2010-11-26
There were no issues during installation and testing other than EPEL requirements. Installation of Git required adding the EPEL repository to obtain Git.
CentOS 6.4 x86_64 2013-05-03
There were no issues during installation and testing.
2012-08 - CentOS6 older than 6.3 may display performance problems on higher-performance installations; if you're planning on needing lots of performance, Ken Rice recommends you stick with 5.x for the nonce. (See the RHEL6 notes at the end of this page for more)
Use the yum package manager tool or Add/Remove Applications menu function to add the following packages to a basic installation:
- autoconf
- automake
- gcc-c++
- git-core
- libjpeg-devel
- libtool
- make
- ncurses-devel
yum install autoconf automake gcc-c++ git-core libjpeg-devel libtool make ncurses-devel pkgconfig
To install the optional packages needed to enable all FreeSWITCH modules to be built:
yum install unixODBC-devel openssl-devel libogg-devel libvorbis-devel libcurl-devel libtiff-devel libjpeg-devel python-devel expat-devel zlib zlib-devel bzip2 which pcre pcre-devel speex-devel sqlite-devel
You will also need to install the following packages if you need the modules listed below:
- mod_event_zmq needs "openssl-devel" and "libuuid-devel" packages.
- mod_erlang_event needs "openssl-devel" and "erlang-devel" packages.
- mod_flite needs "openssl-devel" and "bzip2" packages.
- mod_osp needs "openssl-devel" package and the "OSP Toolkit" see mod_osp.
- mod_snmp needs "openssl-devel" and "net-snmp-devel" packages.
- mod_xml_ldap needs "openssl-devel" and "cyrus-sasl-devel" packages.
YUM Based Installation
FreeSWITCH is now available via yum. You will need to add the FreeSWITCH yum repository
To install the FreeSWITCH Repo
rpm -Uvh
Then to install FreeSWITCH with the generic vanilla example configs
yum install --nogpgcheck freeswitch-config-vanilla
This will give you a base working FreeSWITCH. At the time of this update (2012-FEB-13) these RPMs are Beta but should be working fine. Please report any bugs in them via JIRA
After that you need to install FreeSWITCH sound related files. For that you need to issue following command.
yum install sox freeswitch-sounds*
Automatic Startup At Boot
To get FreeSWITCH to start up automatically at system start, just copy the FreeSWITCH init script into the /etc/init.d directory. An example init script is included in the git repository, under the build directory, named as freeswitch.init.redhat. You may need to modify the script to get FreeSWITCH starting up from the directory where the binaries are installed. After the file has been modified to suit your needs, simply run this command:
chkconfig --add freeswitch && chkconfig --levels 35 freeswitch on
This procedure will also work exactly the same way on Fedora systems.
Continue with the normal installation steps or the Linux Quick Install Guide Downloads section.
FreeSWITCH v.1.4/master openssl requirement change
Required: openssl version 1.0.1g or later to build
For CentOS 5:
tar -zxvf openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.0.1g
./config --prefix=/usr/openssl101g -fPIC
make install
# then go over to the FS build root (even on an existing build that had picked up the dependency by a git pull)
./configure CFLAGS="-I/usr/openssl101g/include" LDFLAGS="-L/usr/openssl101g/lib"
then build as normal
Release(es) 6 and Later
A change by Red Hat in RHEL 6 and later releases was to compile the kernel to run tickless by default. As previously brought up on the mailing lists, it is recommended that the kernel's tickless feature should be disabled for optimum performance when running FreeSWITCH under the newer operating system's kernel. You can disable the tickless feature by appending nohz=off to your boot options under GRUB. The GRUB start up configuration file is located under /boot/grub or as /etc/grub.conf. Add it to the line beginning with "kernel". This is also applicable to Fedora releases 8 and later.
FS may not behave 100% correctly in CentOS 6.x, please review Jira issues: FS-4396, FS-4316, FS-4291. We have anecdotal evidence that CentOS 6.3 does not seem to have the problems listed above. If you experience any of the above symptoms with CentOS 6.3 please comment on the Jira cases listed.
Linking fails on CentOS with
/usr/lib64/ undefined reference to `PR_FindSymbol'
This is due to the deprecated mod_spidermonkey being installed already; FS has switched to mod_v8 as its JavaScript engine.
To solve this problem:
edit modules.conf in the root of the FS source tree to comment out mod_spidermonkey
rm -rf /usr/local/freeswitch/lib/* && reconfigure
make install
Debian packages
There are precompiled Debian packages available for several Debian releases, including Wheezy, 32 bit and 64 bit. Currently FreeSWITCH is not in the main Debian repositories because it's very hard to make the FreeSWITCH code & build system comply with the rules for that.
- Add the freeswitch APT repository: (for Debian Wheezy)
#for 1.4 Release Branch
echo 'deb wheezy main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freeswitch.list
#For 1.4 Beta Branch
echo 'deb wheezy main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freeswitch.list
#For 1.5 Master/Dev Branch
echo 'deb wheezy main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/freeswitch.list
- Import the repo signing key
curl | apt-key add -
gpg --keyserver --recv-key D76EDC7725E010CF
gpg -a --export D76EDC7725E010CF | sudo apt-key add -
- Update apt-get.
apt-get update
- Search for the FreeSWITCH™ packages in apt. Choose from the packages listed to complete your FreeSWITCH™ installation.
apt-cache search freeswitch
- There's also a meta package to get a reasonably running installation.
apt-get install freeswitch-meta-vanilla
- The packages do not set up the configuration in /etc/freeswitch, and you need to copy files manually:
cp -a /usr/share/freeswitch/conf/vanilla /etc/freeswitch
Create your own Debian packages
If the precompiled Debian packages don't suite your needs you can build your own custom debian packages.
A new version of the above script which also installs all dependencies and downloads and builds the new seperate sounds & music from github can be found here. Tested on Squeeze with FreeSWITCH 1.2.10.
Packages can either be installed locally, or upload them to your local Debian repository and install them via APT.
This also allows you to build once and install the packages on multiple servers.
From source
Tested June 28, 2012 with Debian "wheezy" (public beta 18. June 2012) for Raspberry PI ARMv6.
There was a problem using apt-get, gone after sudo apt-get update --fix-missing. Install took several hours, compilation without mod_flite, worked fine, find debian .img here: [2]
Tested Nov 27, 2010 with Debian 5.0 AMD64.
There were no issues during installation and testing. Benefits from a custom kernel with "CONFIG_HZ_1000=y" and "CONFIG_HZ=1000" defined to avoid performance issues. Follow Debian guidelines [3].
There are a variety of Debian package manager tools such as dpkg, apt, aptitude, and synaptic. The synaptic GUI tool was used for this installation. The System menu Add/Remove Applications function does not offer the required packages, Add the following to a basic Debian installation:
- autoconf
- automake
- devscripts
- gawk (mawk does not work)
- g++
- git-core
- libjpeg-dev
- libncurses5-dev
- libtool
- make
- python-dev
- pkg-config
- libtiff5-dev
- libperl-dev
- libgdbm-dev
- libdb-dev
- libssl-dev
- libcurl4-openssl-dev
- libpcre3-dev
- libspeex-dev
- libspeexdsp-dev
- libsqlite3-dev
- libedit-dev
apt-get install autoconf automake devscripts gawk g++ git-core libjpeg-dev libncurses5-dev libtool make python-dev gawk pkg-config libtiff5-dev libperl-dev libgdbm-dev libdb-dev gettext libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libpcre3-dev libspeex-dev libspeexdsp-dev libsqlite3-dev libedit-dev
Some of these modules may have additional dependencies.
Continue with the normal installation steps or the Linux Quick Install Guide Downloads section.
Fedora 20 works fine!
NetBSD information can be found at NetBSD.
OpenBSD information can be found at OpenBSD.
FreeBSD information can be found at FreeBSD.
Gentoo Linux
The FreeSWITCH™ ebuilds are maintained by stkn in the freeswitch-overlay at
Installation instructions: Installation:Gentoo
Tested Nov 23, 2010 with openSUSE 11.3 x86_64
There were no issues during installation and testing.
Use the YAST tool or zypper to add the following packages to a basic installation, the "base development" group contains most but not all of these items:
- autoconf
- automake
- gcc-c++
- git
- libjpeg-devel
- libtool
- make
- ncurses-devel
Continue with the normal installation steps or the Linux Quick Install Guide Downloads section.
pfSense package with GUI
pfSense FreeSWITCH™ package is available for pfSense 1.2.3. The package includes a GUI for FreeSWITCH's configuration. The naming convention for the GUI has been designed to closely match the XML tag names and file names used in the default XML configuration as closely as possible. Install pfSense 1.2.3 based on FreeBSD7, Then go to System -> Packages and click the '+' add button on the right to install FreeSWITCH™ from the packages list. The package is around 50mb because it includes 8khz sounds and music on hold. After the installation FreeSWITCH™ will automatically start. By default it will bind to the WAN IP address.
To download pfSense 1.2.3 go to:
Screenshots are here:
The pfSense FreeSWITCH™ package is being used on many live systems on dedicated hardware and on some virtual machines.
If you already have a firewall in place and just want to use this package as an easy FreeSWITCH™ install you can simply use it as a dedicated device and if desired turn off the firewall in pfSense by going to System -> Advanced -> Disable Firewall then put a check mark in 'Disable all packet filtering.'
Solaris information can be found at Solaris.
Visit the Ubuntu Quick Start page.
Cross Compiling for ARM on Linux
These instructions were tested on Linux 2.6.18 (Centos 5) Cross compiling Linux 2.6.21 for ARM using gcc 3.4.6 All commands should be executed from within the main source repository.
Create a modules.conf. (this can be done after configure but it is convenient to do it now)
cp build/ modules.conf
Decide if you want to include cpp code, if you are running on a small embedded system and don't want to install the 2+MBytes edit in the root of the source repository and remove all references to switch_cpp.cpp and switch_cpp.h, there is one of each. This will also disable all of FreeSWITCH™'s language modules, edit modules.conf and comment out all the language modules, that is all the lines starting with "language". You can still write C applications with the cpp disabled.
I was not able to get javascript working so you should comment out languages/mod_spidermonkey* from modules.conf and comment out the line "AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS(libs/js)" in the file If you figure out a way to get it working update this page, I wasn't motivated as I did not intend to use it.
If you want to reduce the build time you can comment out other support libraries from, I only used and tested the following, it saves a lot of build time and I don't know if the other libraries will build:
- libs/srtp
- libs/sqlite
- libs/libedit
- libs/pcre
- libs/apr
- libs/apr-util
- libs/codec/ilbc
- libs/sofia-sip
- libs/libsndfile
- libs/voipcodecs
I already had a version of curl cross compiled so I did not use the version that comes with FreeSWITCH.
Run this command next, it will create all the configure scripts
Several of the packages cannot detect capabilities of the Cross Compile environment correctly so configure needs to be called with many options to get it to work correctly. Check that the options I have match your Cross Compile environment. Prior to running this the following environment variables must be set: TARGET_CC - the cross compiler HOSTCC - the host compiler CFLAGS - CFLAGS for the cross compiler CPPFLAGS - CPPFLAGS for the cross compiler LDFLAGS - LDFLAGS for the cross compiler These environment variables also need to be set to point to the appropriate tool in the cross compiler's toolchain CC, CXX, AR, LD, GCC, AS, NM, RANLIB, STRIP, SIZE, OBJCOPY & OBJDUMP. Not sure if they are all used, but this is what worked for me.
You will need to adjust some setting to fit your environment, set the "path" in ac_cv_path__libcurl_config and --with-curl, or remove them if you use the version that comes with FreeSWITCH™. Set --with-modinstdir to point to where the FreeSWITCH™ modules will be on the target filesystem.
export config_TARGET_CC="$(TARGET_CC)"; \
export config_BUILD_CC="$(HOSTCC)"; \
export config_TARGET_CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)"; \
export config_TARGET_LIBS="$(LDFLAGS)"; \
export CC_FOR_BUILD="$(HOSTCC)"; \
export CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD=" "; \
export ac_cv_file__dev_zero=no; \
export apr_cv_tcp_nodelay_with_cork=yes; \
export ac_cv_sizeof_ssize_t=4; \
export ac_cv_file_dbd_apr_dbd_mysql_c=yes; \
export ac_cv_path__libcurl_config=/path/curl-config; \
export apr_cv_mutex_recursive=yes; \
export ac_cv_func_pthread_rwlock_init=yes; \
export apr_cv_type_rwlock_t=yes; \
./configure \
--target=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \
--host=$(GNU_TARGET_NAME) \
--build=$(GNU_HOST_NAME) \
--with-libcurl=/path/install \
--with-devrandom=/dev/urandom \
--with-modinstdir=/mod \
If you have not done so edit modules.conf so that it will build the modules you desire. If you are unsure, leave this to the defaults. FreeSWITCH™ comes with a good set of modules as the default, until you become more familiar with FreeSWITCH™ it is advised that you not edit modules.conf. A # at the beginning will omit that module from being built. A list of the modules can be obtained from the Modules page.
Once you are done configuring the build environment you need to run the following command. (Your PATH must point to the cross compiler toolchain)
I found little use for make install as I didn't want the Cross Compiled version installed on the build system. You will need to copy the FreeSWITCH™ binary, library and modules directly out of the build tree into where ever you need them.
Cross Compiling for OpenWrt
Prebuilt Binaries
The FreeSWITCH™ team strongly recommends installing from the latest Git tree which is extremely stable! Many reported bugs in older versions of FreeSWITCH™ are fixed in the current Git version. The developers require testing an issue on the current Git version prior to filing a bug report.
The FreeSWITCH™ project maintains binary packages for a number of Linux distributions on the openSUSE Build Service. All external dependencies required by these FreeSWITCH™ packages are either part of the base Linux distros or available in the repository at: If your preferred Linux distro and version is listed there, then we recommend you use these packages.
Special Considerations
ODBC Support
See the ODBC Support document.
ODBC Installed in non-standard locations
As of April 23 2012, a change was made to the configure script to check if the ODBC library is installed. As a consequence, the check fails due to the way how the macro behaves. To resolve this issue, you would issue the following command before you initiate the configure script:
export LIBRARY_PATH="<path to ODBC lib here>"
No Root Access
If you don’t have root access add --prefix=~/freeswitch to the command. This is a really bad idea on production systems, not recommended.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/freeswitch
Graphical User Interfaces
See: FreeSWITCH Gui
mkdir /export/home/freeswitch; zfs create rpool/export/home/freeswitch