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ClueCon Weekly Conference call

Temporary Suspension of Weekly Conference Calls

Previously weekly conference calls happened around FreeSWITCH development. Since the end of 2020 these were put on hold as most community members were unable to still make these calls. The below conference links / etc do not currently work given the weekly conference calls are not currently happening.


This is the main page for our weekly conference calls to help the FreeSWITCH project. Sub-projects like programming tasks and goals, documentation, and janitorial will be discussed.

Follow us on Twitter @freeswitch or Facebook for the latest updates.


All public conference calls are hosted on the FreeSWITCH™ 888 conference bridge as listed below. Times listed are absolute times in the U.S. Central Time Zone, whether it is Standard Time or Daylight Saving Time. This means that UTC times will vary at different times of the year. Use the Time Zone Converter site for your area.

Tuesday 12:00 CT (U.S.) — Weekly Bug Hunt and Bug Marshals, examine whether bugs are real, decide the best way to test and troubleshoot them, thus improving FreeSWITCH™

TBD - Weekly Documentation Team conference call; ask the experts questions to improve the doc, coordinate who will copy which pages from the old MediaWiki, etc.

Wednesday 12:00 CT — Weekly ClueCon community conference call, featuring guest speakers and open discussion about FreeSWITCH™

Friday 12:00 CT — Friday Free-For-All conference call following the VoIP Users' Conference

Dialing Instructions

Join via Web:

Join via SIP:

Join via PSTN:

Spain+34-91-290-12-71Thanks to SIPtize
UK+44-330-320-0105Thanks to Ziron
UK+44-330-445-9988Thanks to SureVoIP
Ireland+353-1-687-9001Thanks to Ziron
Germany+49-228-9293-9009Thanks to Yiftach at ChooChee
Germany+49-2373-913-4009Thanks to
Australia+61-7-3188-7519Thanks to Jay Binks -
Israel+972-79-579-5131Thanks to Avi Marcus -
Canada+1-438-800-0531Thanks to NG Communications
France+33-975-181-606Thanks to NG Communications
Netherlands+31-858-880-387Thanks to NG Communications
South Africa+27-87-8204656Thanks to Othos Telecom
Portugal+351-300505224Thanks to Finesource
New Zealand+64-4-887-1401Thanks to Ziron

Join with Google Talk

Flash (in-browser VoIP RTMP client)


When you join you will initially be muted and need to press 0 if you wish to speak (this reduces background noise on the conference). Please remain muted unless you are actively conversing.

During the weekly ClueCon calls muting might be moderated during speaker presentations. Pressing 0 will put you in a queue to ask a question and you will be unmuted by the moderator when it's your turn to speak.

Be sure monitor IRC channel #freeswitch on! There are frequently related comments during the conference.

Conference Beeps

What are the Beeps in the conference?

  • One high-pitched beep = someone has joined
  • Two high-low beeps - someone has left