FS Air
by Seven Du
FreeSWITCH AIR is an Adobe AIR-based GUI for FreeSWITCH. It makes FreeSWITCH as easy to use as a softphone.
The idea is to connect to FreeSWITCH mod_event_socket and control mod_portaudio by using API commands. Also it listens to the events such as portaudio::ringing and CHANNEL_HANGUP to update the GUI accordingly.
Sure portaudio includes a Web based GUI, which is really nice. But FSAir is just more like a softphone.
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Run everywhere FreeSWITCH and Adobe AIR runs.
Source code in https://freeswitch.org/stash/projects/FS/repos/freeswitch-contrib/browse/seven/fsair
AIR application: FreeSWITCH-Air.air
Install [Adobe AIR runtime] first. And then double click FreeSWITCH-Air.air should be able to start the installation process.
ESL in ActionScript
To communicate with FreeSWITCH through Event Socket, an ESL-like lib implemented in ActionScript 3. Source code available in src/libs.
Due to the async socket and lack of sleep function in ActionScript, I found it's hard to implement API function like sendRecv() in ESL. So it's lacking some functionality compared to the C version of ESL. But, it kind of works. Any feedback and improvement suggestions are highly appreciated.
fsair_screenshot.png (image/png)
// sleep() function for actionscript:function sleep(counter:int,subsequentFunction: Function,args:Array):void{ if(counter > 0){ callLater(sleep,[counter- 1,subsequentFunction,args]); }else{ callLater(subsequentFunction,args); }}// call trace('Hello') after 100 cyclessleep(100,trace,[ 'Hello']);// call myFunction() after 50 cyclessleep(50, myFunction,[]); Posted by madovsky at Feb 17, 2018 07:16 |