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FreeSWITCH Enterprise Release notes

List of releases:

Previous release notes are on the SignalWire Stack Release notes page.

20.23.6 (Release date: 19 Dec 2023)

This is an important release containing security fixes and stability improvements. We encourage all users to upgrade to v20.23.6 whenever possible.

20.23.5 (Release date: 12 Aug 2023)

This is a major release containing critical security fixes, adding Debian 12 Bookworm and OpenSSL 3 support. We encourage all users to upgrade to v20.23.5 whenever possible.

20.23.4 (Release date: 18 Jul 2023)

This is a major release containing critical security fixes and adding FFmpeg 5 support. As part of our continuing dedication to code quality, we have resolved static analysis bugs for MacOS in all of FreeSWITCH core and in most modules.

20.23.3 (Release date: 28 Jun 2023)

This is the minor release containing important bugfixes and stability improvements.

20.23.2 (Release date: 10 Apr 2023)

This is the minor release containing important bugfixes and stability improvements.

20.23.1 (Release date: 01 Feb 2023)

This is the minor release containing important bugfixes and stability improvements.

20.22.4 (Release date: 20 Dec 2022)

This is the minor release containing important bugfixes and stability improvements.

20.22.3 (Release date: 13 Oct 2022)

This is the minor release containing important bugfixes and stability improvements.

20.22.2 (Release date: 01 Sep 2022)

This is the minor release containing important bugfixes and stability improvements.

20.22.1 (Release date: 26 May 2022)

This is the minor release containing important bugfixes and stability improvements.

20.21.8 (Release date: 25 Mar 2022)

This is a major release adding more than 170 of changes covering the entire codebase. As part of our continuing dedication to code quality, we have resolved static analysis bugs in all of FreeSWITCH core and in most modules.

20.21.7 (Release date: 24 Nov 2021)

This is the minor release containing important bugfixes and stability improvements.

20.21.6 (Release date: 21 Oct 2021)

This is the highly important bugfix release providing the latest security improvements.

20.21.5 (Release date: 14 Oct 2021)

This is the minor bug fix release containing important security fixes and stability improvements.